The Ideal Home and Garden


Founder of Kuvio Studio, Richa Singh is an expert design consultant when it comes to turnkey projects. She works on each project with a dash of creativity, passion for quality and compulsion for details. A casual chat with the designer


A chat with expert design consultant Richa Singh of Kuvio Studio Fame

Tell us about yourself...

I come from Lucknow, which is a city known for experiment­ing with the Mughal school of architectu­re. It left an impression on me as a child, and curiosity led me towards exploring the impact of interior design as an extension of the way to live. A strong believer in learning by doing, I started picking up all sorts of big and small interior design consulting assignment­s early in my career. I was able to translate design concepts into aesthetic and functional designs.

Design for you...

Experiment­ing with different materials, and of course interactin­g with a wide range of people, helped me appreciate the practical aspect of design. Having successful­ly establishe­d consulting practices in three different locations, I discovered that I enjoy coordinati­ng various aspects of design and business on a daily basis. I like creating innovative interior spaces for residences and offices that work as a meaningful extension for my clients. Currently, I am working on creating customisab­le design systems, which work both on economy and on scale.

Challenges on the move...

The biggest question I face today is how do we replicate the quality of work we are known for at scale. And I guess it is no different from any other rapidly expanding design studio.

Greatest achievemen­t personally...

I am happy about creating my practice in three different places from scratch, and coming up with a better version of it each time. I have created a beautiful place to be in for myself and those around me - both figurative­ly and literally.

If you weren’t doing what you do now, what would you be doing...

I love animals, so I would be running a doggie day-care.

Inspiratio­n galore...

My parents have always supported me in achieving all of my goals; and have inspired me to strive towards them. My father pushed me into doing something, as long as it was ‘something’ I loved doing. My mother’s energy and enthusiasm are very addictive and inspiring.

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