The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Confident IOC says Rio safe for athletes


THE RIO Games will be safe for athletes despite concerns over polluted water, the head of the Internatio­nal Olympic Committee said on Wednesday.

Biologists said in 2014 that rivers leading into Rio's Guanabara bay contained superbacte­ria that are resistant to antibiotic­s and can cause urinary, gastrointe­stinal and pulmonary infections. The cleaning of its polluted waters was a key part of Rio's bid pledge to host the Summer Games and has long been a goal of successive local government­s.

“We are very confident that the competitio­n area for the athletes will offer safe and fair conditions,” IOC president Thomas Bach said. “The city, the state and the organising committee are undertakin­g many efforts and what we see now is that 60 percent of the surface is clean. Without the Games it would be zero.”

When Rio bid to host the 2016 Olympics, the city said it would cut the amount of raw sewage flowingint­othebayby8­0percent but has since confirmed it will not meet that target. “The last stretch is always the most difficult one and also there are challenges, but ... we’re very confident (they) will be excellent Games,” Bach said.

Final flame rehearsal takes place in Olympia

Fire spurted from a concave mirror Wednesday as a priestess, kneelingin­herlong,pleateddre­ss before a ruined Greek temple, focusedthe­blazingsun'sraysonher metal torch.

Come rain or shine on Thursday's official lighting ceremony, Rio de Janeiro has now secured its Olympic flame, which will burn in the Brazilian host city throughout the August 5-21 games. About 2,500 people attended Wednesday’s dress rehearsal for the meticulous­ly-choreograp­hed ceremony in Ancient Olympia,southerngr­eece,where the Olympics of antiquity were held for more than 1,000 years.

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