The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Minority body chief urges AIMPLB to rethink stand on triple talaq


THE CHAIRMAN of Minorities Commission for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Abid Rasool Khan, has urged All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) and Jamaat-e-ulema to rethink their stand on triple talaq because the issue has the “potential to escalate” and cause the “derecognit­ion” of Muslim Personal Law and imposition of a uniform civil code.

In a letter to the two organisati­ons, Khan said: “Whatever be thehistory,todaythish­asbecome an issue which has the potential to escalate and cause the eventual derecognit­ion of our Personal law and the imposition of uniform civil code.the ulema are the only people who have the power to change this and who are responsibl­e for using that power for the benefit of the Muslims.’’

In his letter, Khan referred to eleven cases in which women ended up on roads after their husbands exercised triple talaq and denied them alimony.

He has also pointed out in his letter that though India is a secular country and recognises religious laws, such laws were struck down by courts where they were found to be in violation of human rights. “.... If that happens, then the AIMPLB would have been instrument­al in opening the door for the eventual imposition of the uniform civil code,” he said.

Speaking to The Indian Express, Khan said, “Triple talaq has grown into a huge social problem. When the marriage fails, the man simply walks away and marries afresh while the woman and her family suffers. This has to change. The Muslim Personal Law Board should do something to protect the rights of women.’’

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