The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Making the most difficult choice

PM Modi must recognise Pakistan’s gameplan, and respond at a time and place of India’s choosing, in a manner Pakistan least expects

- Rajiv Kumar

IT MUST be very lonely at the top, at this time, for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He faces, perhaps, the most difficult choice of his tenure for which no one but the PM himself will be held accountabl­e. It’s a choice in the face of the most provocativ­e and cynical action by Pakistan’s military establishm­ent. No wonder, then, for the first time since I can remember, Modi’s face showed anguish. It reflected his despair at India’s offer of friendship being rebuffed — with repeated state-sponsored terrorist attacks.

It is critical for Modi to understand Pakistan’s gameplan in launching the latest cross-border terror attack on the Indian army in Uri. Just as in 1989, the Pakistan army has timed this action to derive the maximum mileage from the tragic events in the Kashmir Valley. Rawalpindi seeks, as always, to exploit a two-fold advantage from the current situation. One, as Mehbooba Mufti commented, is to create a war-like situation in the Valley in the hope that its heavily-armed terrorist suicide squads will find support from protesting Kashmiri youth. Two, to try and hide its trans-border terrorism in the eyes of the world community as being fostered by the conditions in Kashmir and put India on the backfoot. Why else would Uri happen days before Nawaz Sharif is scheduled to address the UN General Assembly?

But on this occasion, there is a bigger prize that Rawalpindi is after. For it, Modi’s success as PM is the worst possible outcome. That would imply Rawalpindi facing a resurgent India with a fast growing economy; an India, whose claims on the global governance high table would be recognised; and which under Modi would have a highly credible and strong developmen­t state, rather than the perenniall­y soft and inefficien­t state it is known to be. Rawalpindi’s gameplan is to unleash provocatio­ns that will drive Modi to precipitat­e action, which, in turn, will derail his developmen­t plans and bring his tenure under a dark cloud.

The alternativ­e scenario of Modi riding on a wave of anti-pakistan hysteria in India also has its possible upside for Rawalpindi, especially if it stokes communal fires. By quickly coming to Pakistan’s assistance, in denying that the terror attack had its source in Pakistan occupied Kashmir, China has made itself complicit in the Pakistani gameplan. Perhaps Pakistan is consciousl­y playing to the Chinese tune, having received largesse from it for the economic corridor.

What should Modi’s response be? He has to work out the likely impact of any action he takes on the domestic polity. It is rather disingenuo­us to argue that foreign policy actions should be divorced from domestic political and economic considerat­ions. He has to figure out the likely impact of actions against Pakistan on the NDA’S electoral prospects in the elections in Punjab, Gujarat and UP and indeed the 2019 general elections. We do not want India to suffer from another bout of political instabilit­y.

Modi has already demonstrat­ed that he will not be baited by opportunis­t opposition leaders or fulminatin­g television anchors, in search of higher TRPS, asking him to match his actions with election campaign rhetoric. He would do well to ignore even his own party’s intellectu­als and strategist­s who have called for “a jaw in place of a tooth”. The DGMO’S statement that India will act at the time and place of its choosing should have put paid to the hopes of such sundries. He should also take immediate steps to assure the minorities, whose nationalis­t credential­s have never ever been in doubt, that their safety and security will remain his government’s priority concern. It will also be highly desirable for the rightist Hindu fringe to maintain complete silence if they cannot help the nation’s cause by jettisonin­g their communal agenda.

Modi must also take one more step. He must ask for, and enforce, accountabi­lity for India’s intelligen­ce and security establishm­ent. Pathankot and Uri in relatively quick succession, along with a number of incidents over the past two years, should be sufficient evidence that these stalwarts, despite their past credential­s, have been found terribly wanting. The heads of the security and intelligen­ce establishm­ent and agencies should strengthen Modi’s hands by putting in their papers in line with the motto of “nation before party, government before self.” It will be in keeping with the trust that Modi has placed in these lieutenant­s for them to accept their responsibi­lity for the present unenviable situation in which their leader, government and party find themselves. It is also high time that some of our “agencies”, which enjoy complete carte blanche, are subjected to public scrutiny and accountabi­lity. This is common practice in all mature democracie­s.

Finally, Modi has to understand that his interlocut­ors across India’s western borders are located in Rawalpindi, not Islamabad. He has to cut through that smoke and engage with the PAHQ in the full knowledge that he is dealing with people with ruthless devotion to their personal cause in which the ordinary Pakistani citizens are but cannon fodder. Such people are hard core realists who will only understand tough responses. Modi will have to bite the bullet and teach them a lesson that reduces their credibilit­y and legitimacy both domestical­ly and globally. But this must be done strictly on the time and at a place of India’s own choosing and in a manner in which they least expect.

Rajiv Kumar is senior fellow CPR and founder director, Pahle India Foundation

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