The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Gagged in Gaza

Hamas and Fatah try to silence the press


LAST month Human Rights Watch (HRW) accused Palestinia­n authoritie­s of detaining and torturing critical journalist­s. Two days later the secret police proved the human-rights campaigner­s right. Plaincloth­es officers arrested Mohammed Othman, a journalist who has criticised Hamas. He was detained for a day and a half and, he says, beaten, deprived of food and forced into painful positions.

Freedom of speech is enshrined in Palestine’s basic law. However, researcher­s from HRW found five other journalist­s and activists who were detained recently in Gaza and the West Bank (which are ruled respective­ly by the Islamist Hamas and the secular Fatah movements). Most of the detained journalist­s said they had been tortured. One was threatened by an officer brandishin­g a gun.

There are few data on such arrests, which both factions deny are politicall­y motivated. Anecdotall­y, though, many Palestinia­ns say they have increased. Just 20% think they enjoy press freedom, according to a March poll; 66% believe they cannot openly criticise the Palestinia­n Authority (PA). Even a Facebook post can provoke a visit from the authoritie­s. In May, for example, officers hauled in a student who called the PA “rotten” on social media.

The attack on free speech is a symptom of the rot in Palestinia­n politics. Mahmoud Abbas, the president, has served 11 years of a four-year term, with few accomplish­ments to show for it. Two-thirds of his constituen­ts want him to resign. Hamas won legislativ­e elections in 2006 as the alternativ­e to a corrupt Fatah, but today presides over a scene of utter despair in war-ravaged, blockaded Gaza.

Both organisati­ons have been jittery ahead of a municipal election that was scheduled for early October. Palestinia­ns have not held a nationwide ballot since 2006, so the smallest votes, even on university campuses, become fraught with meaning. Fatah campaigner­s have complained of harassment from the Hamas authoritie­s in Gaza, and vice versa.

Both sides, then, breathed a quiet sigh of relief on September 8th, when the Palestinia­n high court suspended the election. It will be delayed at least until next year.

Mr Othman, for his part, is already back at work. A week after his release, he filed a story on Hamas’s efforts to restrict the foreign press. There was much to say. In May the group banned an American photograph­er from entering the territory, saying that her work “reflects badly on Gaza”. A new intelligen­ce office at the border peppers arriving journalist­s with questions; on a recent trip, one agent took an oddly detailed interest in how often your correspond­ent visits Washington, DC.

Young Palestinia­ns often joke that their next intifada, or uprising, will be against their own leaders instead of Israel. For now, their rebellion is largely confined to news websites and social media. But without any way to express their views at the ballot box, it is unlikely to stay there.

 ?? Reuters ?? Freedom of speech is enshrined in Palestine’s basic law. But, researcher­s found several cases of journalist­s being detained in Gaza and the West Bank.
Reuters Freedom of speech is enshrined in Palestine’s basic law. But, researcher­s found several cases of journalist­s being detained in Gaza and the West Bank.

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