The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Gut makeover for new year

What you eat can affect the microbes in your gut — and your long-term health



IF YOU’RE making resolution­s for a healthier new year, consider a gut makeover. Refashioni­ng the community of bacteria and other microbes living in your intestinal tract, collective­ly known as the gut microbiome, could be a good long-term investment in your health.

Trillions of microbial cells inhabit the human body, outnumberi­ng human cells by 10 to one according to some estimates, and growing evidence suggests that the rich array of intestinal microbiota helps us process nutrients in the foods we eat, bolsters the immune system and does all sorts of odd jobs that promote sound health.

A diminished microbial ecosystem, on the other hand, is believed to have consequenc­es that extend far beyond the intestinal tract, affecting everything from allergies and inflammati­on, metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity, even mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.

Much of the compositio­n of the microbiome is establishe­d early in life, shaped by forces like your genetics and whether you were breast-fed or bottle-fed. Microbial diversity may be further undermined by highcalori­e diets, rich in sugar, meats and processed foods. But a new study in mice and people adds to evidence that suggests you can take steps to enrich your gut microbiota. Changing your diet to one containing a variety of plant-based foods, the new research suggests, may be crucial to achieving a healthier microbiome.

Altering your microbiome, however, may not be easy, and nobody knows how long it might take. That’s because the ecosystem already establishe­d in your gut determines how it absorbs and processes nutrients. So if the microbial community in your gut has been shaped by a daily diet of cheeseburg­ers and pepperoni pizza, for example, it won’t respond as quickly to a healthy diet as a gut shaped by vegetables and fruits that has more varied microbiota to begin with.

“The nutritiona­l value of food is influenced in part by the microbial community that encounters that food,” said Dr. Jeffrey Gordon, the senior author of the new paper and director of the Center for Genome Science and Systems Biology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Nutritiona­l components of a healthy diet have to be viewed from “the inside out,” he said, “not just the outside in.”

One of the questions the study set out to answer was how individual­s with different diets respond when they try to improve their eating habits. The scientists harvested gut bacteria from humans, transplant­ed them into mice bred under sterile conditions, and then fed the mice either American-style or plant-based diets. The scientists then analysed changes in the mice’s microbial communitie­s.

Of interest, the scientists harvested the gut bacteria from people who followed sharply different diets. One group ate a fairly typical American diet, consuming about 3,000 calories a day, high in animal proteins with few fruits and vegetables. Some of their favorite foods were processed cheese, pepperoni and lunch meats.

The other group consisted of people who were devotees of calorie restrictio­n. They ate less than 1,800 calories a day and had meticulous­ly tracked what they ate for at least two years, sticking to a mostly plantbased diet and consuming far less animal protein than the other group, a third fewer carbohydra­tes and only half the fat.

This calorie-restricted group, the researcher­s found, had a far richer and more diverse microbial community in the gut than those eating a typical American diet. They also carried several strains of “good” bacteria, known to promote health, that are unique to their plantbased diet. “Their choices as adults dramatical­ly influenced their gut community,” said Nicholas W. Griffin of Washington University, the paper’s lead author. The study, published in Cell Host & Microbe, is not the first to report findings suggesting dietary shifts can induce persistent changes in a gut microbial community, said Dr David A Relman, a professor of medicine, microbiolo­gy and immunology at Stanford University, who was not involved in the current research. He noted that other studies had found even more profound effects.

After the human microbiota was transplant­ed into the mice, the mice got to eat either like typical Americans or like the calorie restrictor­s. Mice that had a microbiota conditione­d by the typical American diet had a weaker response to the plant-based diet. Their microbial communitie­s didn’t increase and diversify as much. “They all responded in a predictabl­e direction, but with not as great a magnitude,” said Dr. Griffin.

Another aspect of the study suggests the company you keep may also enrich your gut microbiota — at least in mice. At first the animals were kept in separate cages. Then, when they were housed together, the microbes from the communitie­s conditione­d by plant diets made their way into the American-diet microbiome.

It’s not clear how that translates to humans: Mice eat one another’s droppings when they live together, so they easily share the bacterial wealth. Still, it’s possible humans have other ways of sharing bacteria, Dr. Griffin said. “We know from previous work and other studies that spouses who live together will develop microbial communitie­s that are similar to each other,” he said.

Perhaps the best way to cultivate a healthier microbiome is to eat more fibre by consuming more fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts or seeds, said Meghan Jardine, a registered dietitian who was not involved in the current study. She urges people to aim for 40 to 50 grams of fibre daily, well above levels recommende­d by most dietary guidelines.

“When you look at population­s that eat real food that’s high in fibre, and more plantbased foods, you’re going to see they have a more robust microbiota, with more genetic diversity, healthier species and fewer pathogenic bacteria in the gut,” she said. NYT

Much of the compositio­n of the microbiome is establishe­d early in life, shaped by forces like your genetics. But it may be undermined by high-calorie diets, rich in sugar, meats and processed food

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