The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)



Section 123(3) of the Representa­tion of the People Act to mean that this provision was laid down with an intent “to clearly proscribe appeals based on sectarian, linguistic or caste considerat­ions; to infuse a modicum of oneness, transcendi­ng such barriers and to borrowtago­re’sphrasetra­nscendthef­ragmented ‘narrowdome­sticwalls’andsendout­themessage that regardless of these distinctio­ns, voters were free to choose the candidate best suited to represent them.”

Section 123(3) of the Act defines as “corrupt practice” appeals made by a candidate or his agents to vote or refrain from voting for any person on the ground of “his” religion, race, caste, community or language. What came up for interpreta­tion before the Constituti­on Bench was the meaning of the term “his” since that would define whose religion it has to be when an appeal is made. Previous judgments handed out conflictin­g views and hence the question came up before the seven judges.

In their majority view, Chief Justice of India T S Thakur, Justices Madan B Lokur, S A Bobde and L Nageswara Rao ruled in favour of a purposive interpreta­tion, stating that “his” would mean religion of candidate, his agents, voters as well as any other person who, with the candidate’s consent, brings up religion in an appeal for the furtheranc­e of the prospects of the election.

“An appeal in the name of religion, race, caste, community or language is impermissi­ble under the Representa­tion of the People Act, 1951 and would constitute a corrupt practice sufficient to annul the election in which such an appeal was made regardless whether the appeal was in the name of the candidate’s religion or the religion of the election agent or that of the opponent or that of the voter’s,” the majority judges ruled.

The bench, however, refrained from revisiting its 1995 judgment on whether the words “Hindutva” and “Hinduism” connote the “way of life” of the Indian people and not just Hindu religious practices. According to this three-judge bench judgment of 1995, an appeal in the name of ‘Hindutva’ to seek votes was not a corrupt practice warranting elections to the State legislatur­e or to the Parliament or for that matter or any other body in the State is a secular exercise just as the functions of the elected representa­tives must be secular in both outlook and practice,” the CJI held.

Justice Thakur noted that the Constituti­onal ethos forbids mixing of religions or religious considerat­ions with the secular functions of the State and that religion remains a matter personal to the individual with which neither the State nor any other individual has anything to do.

“An interpreta­tion that will have the effect of removing the religion or religious considerat­ions from the secular character of the State or state activity ought to be preferred over an interpreta­tion which may allow such considerat­ions to enter, effect or influence such activities,” Justice Thakur said.

Justices Lokur and Rao underlined that concerns under Section 123(3) of the Act have increased with the tremendous reach already available to a candidate through the print and electronic media, and now with access to millions through the Internet and social media as well as mobile phone technology, none of which were seriously contemplat­ed till about fifteen years ago.

“Therefore now, more than ever, it is necessary to ensure that the provisions of subsection (3) of Section 123 of the Act are not exploited by a candidate or anyone on his or her behalf by making an appeal on the ground of religion with a possibilit­y of disturbing the even tempo of life,” they maintained.

Justice Bobde, in a separately authored judgment, said that the provision intended to serve the broad purpose of checking appeals to religion, race, caste, community or language by any candidate. “That to maintain the sanctity of the democratic process and to avoid the vitiating of secular atmosphere of democratic life an appeal to any of the factors should avoid the election of the candidate making such an appeal,” the judge said, adding that Section 123(3) has to be interprete­d in a manner that leaves no scope for any sectarian caste or language-based appeal.

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