The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Class 8 student beaten up, sexually assaulted

A friend of the accused allegedly called him to a secluded spot on the pretext of being summoned by the PT teacher


A CLASS VIII student of a private school was beaten up and sexually assaulted allegedly by some of his classmates last month, said police.

Police said they have apprehende­d a boy in connection with the incident and produced him before the Juvenile Justice Board, adding that the family claims at least five students were involved.

When contacted, the principal of the school in East Delhi remained unavailabl­e for comment.

The incident took place on March 13 when students were sitting in class during lunch after an exam.

According to the victim’s mother, a few students were banging on the table when the class monitor reprimande­d them. When her son said they could do what they wished during recess, the monitor abused the boy’s father, she claimed. Having lost his father four years ago, the victim warned him to not speak of his father and a physical altercatio­n broke out between the two. Some students then complained to a teacher who made them apologise to each other.

Two days later, the mother said, the class monitor’s friend called her son to a secluded part of the school under the ruse that the PT teacher had called him. There, five boys — including the class monitor — ganged up on him and beat him up using a stick, alleged the mother. They then sexually assaulted him using the stick and threatened him that if he didn’t stay mum, they would do the same to his elder sister, who is in the same school, she further alleged.

The victim soon began complainin­g of stomach pain which did not subside despite medication. He was then taken to a hospital on March 28 where ultrasound­s and CT scans revealed tears in his intestines, which required immediate surgery, said the mother.

“Doctors suspected sexual assault and asked me to talk to my son gently... when I asked him what happened, he was concerned about his sister... My poor boy was in so much pain... but he bore it to protect his sister,” she sobbed.

The mother alleged the school did not help her pinpoint the perpetrato­rs and refused to share or show CCTV footage with her.

Police said an FIR has been filed based on the mother’s complaint under IPC sections of unnatural offences, voluntaril­y causing hurt, wrongful restraint, common intention, and criminal intimidati­on as well as Section 6 of the POCSO Act.

“We don’t know how many (students) are involved. The victim is still reluctant to share details and has disclosed only one name so far,” said DCP (East) Apoorva Gupta.

Police sources said that further investigat­ion is ongoing.

The victim’s mother alleged the school did not help her pinpoint the perpetrato­rs and refused to share CCTV footage with her

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