The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

At AAP protest, a call to forget difference­s, make INDIA bloc win


“STICK TOGETHER”, “don't bow down”, and “give BJP a tough reply with votes”: At the ‘Samuhik Upwas’ held in support of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal at the Jantar Mantar Sunday, senior leaders of the AAP made a case for the INDIA bloc campaignin­g as one for the Lok Sabha election, setting aside party divides.

“You have to go to each doorstep and explain to the people the BJP'S conspiracy and how they arrested Kerjiwal in a false have to ask for vote, even if the leader or the candidate is not from the AAP but from the Congress or th es a maj wadi party ... You have to make the INDIA alliance and Kejriwal win... BJP ko harana hai (We have to defeat the BJP),” said senior AAP leader and Ra jyasabh amp san jays ingh during his speech addressed to A AP leaders, MLAS, ministers and councillor­s gathered at the site.

Said aap national general secretary Dr San deep Pathak: “PM (Narendra) Mo di has all the resources,while our cm wears simple clothes and slippers. The election process in Delhi starts from Monday ... We don’t need any resources.west and with the truth .”

Cabinet Minister and senior leader at is hi said :“we will not get sad, instead we will be proud of our leaders who are fighting against this dictatorsh­ip and will continue to fight...” Hailing the party workers, she said ,“since the arrest of Kejriwal, the entire Delhi has been turned into barracks... protesters were detained but not a single one of you yielded...”

AAP’S Delhi convener Gopal Rai said the party is getting support from not just across the nation but also other countries such as Australia, US, UK and Germany. “BJP people think that if Kejriwal is in jail, there will be no one to campaign. They do not know that every child in Delhi is Kejriwal,” he added, as he urged all party workers to “put in all their strength to make AAP and INDIA alliance candidates win in Delhi.”

Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj said, “Today’s atmosphere here reminds me of 201112. I think this is what gives our party the most strength — when we come to the streets and fight.”

AAP’S Lok Sabha picks Sahi Ram, Mahabal Mishra, Somnath Bharti and Kuldeep Kumar were present at the event along with M las and other senior leaders including Kai las hG ah lot, Imran Hussain, and Jasmine Shah.

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