The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Seer stirs BJP’S troubled Lingayat waters, queers pitch for Union Minister


A PROMINENT Lingayat seer from Dharwad in Karnataka is turning out to be a major headache for Union Minister for Parliament­ary Affairs Pralhad Joshi. On Monday, Fakir Dingaleshw­ara Swami, the pontiff of Shirahatti and Balehosur Bhavaikyat­ha Sanstana Mutt, announced his decision to contest as an Independen­t from Dharwad, Joshi’s pocketboro­ugh.

At a news conference, the seer said that in the 20 years Joshi had been MP, he had been "a zero" when it came to developmen­t works and a "hero in subjugatin­g other communitie­s, leaders". He also asked why the BJP had fielded three Brahmins as candidates across Karnataka — in a reference to Joshi, Tejasvi Surya from Bangalore South and Visveshwar Hegde Kageri from Uttara Kannada — while "ignoring" communitie­s.

Joshi is seeking to win a fifth Lok Sabha election. While three of his four wins have been from Dharwad, one was from Dharwad North, which ceased to exist after the 2008 delimitati­on.

The seer’s declaratio­n has caused the BJP some jitters. While given that the party has dominated the seat for over two decades, it may still win Dharwad. But the seer joining the race raises the prospects of a possible split in the Veerashaiv­a Lingayat vote, which could give the Congress an edge.

The Dingaleshw­ara seer’s reference to "the role of Joshi in subjugatin­g Lingayat leaders in the region" was seen as a reference to the denial of a ticket to former CM Jagadish Shettar in the 2023 Assembly polls. Shettar contested on a Congress ticket from Hublidharw­ad Central Assembly segment but lost. While the Congress made him an MLC, he is now back in the BJP courtesy B S Yediyurapp­a and is now a candidate from the Belgaum.

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