The Indian Express (Delhi Edition)

Bibhav Kumar: Latest to face action is ‘Kejriwal’s eyes, ears’


BIBHAV KUMAR, who was sacked as Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s private secretary by the Delhi government’s Vigilance Department Wednesday, has been a man Friday to the Aam Aadmi Party supremo, their associatio­n preceding the birth of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).

AAP insiders say he has been the bridge between Kejriwal and others for as long as anyone can remember, and had been one of the two people (apart from Kejriwal’ sw if esu nita) allowed by the court tome etkejriw al daily in jail. After the Vigilance Department order, according to A AP sources, the party is preparingi­ts defence to move the central Administra­tive tribunal in regards to the terminatio­n of his services.

Others compare his bond to Kejriwal with the one shared by the CM with his former deputy Manish Sisodia. Kumar was profession­ally associated with Sisodia before he was picked by Kejriwal first as his close aide and then as his private secretary.

Despite being on the front lines of the AAP for a decade, from its formation to subsequent rise, Kumar has not formally joined the party. “From Kejriwal ji’s personal phone to the doses of insulin, Bib ha vb hair ema in ed his shadow till he was sent behind bars,” an AAP insider said.

Another leader said: “Bibhav’s primary importance in the scheme of things evolved from handling communicat­ion for both Kejriwal ji and Sisodia ji, to being chosen by Arvind ji to look after the expansion of the party, to being given charge of the CM’S household, to looking after both the Chief Minister’s Offices,” an AAP insider said.

“Bibhav was actually an employee at Kabir, an NGO founded by Manish ji much before the IAC movement.

Over the years, as he emerged as "Kejriwal’s eyes and ears”, Kumar took care to ensure that he never hogged the limelight – a quality that the AAP chief whose organisati­on revolves around him would have appreciate­d. “His social media profiles show the kind of a person he is – a quiet man committed to the AAP and especially arv ind and ma ni sh. He would sit in on the most important meetings and just blend into the background,” the insider said.

Kumar was first engaged on co-terminus basis as private secretary toKejriwa lon February 27, 2015; his posting was considered by the General Administra­tive Department five years later.

According to the recent order issued by the Delhi government’s Vigilance Department, his appointmen­t was valid only till the end ofkejriwal' s first term in 2020.

According to the order, Kumar’s reappointm­ent as Kejriwal’s private secretary required Vigilance clearance as regards a case against him. It was this case registered against kumar during a protest outside the no ida Authority office back in 2007 that became the basis for the vigilance Department ordering the terminatio­n of his services. The FIR had been registered by a head constable alleging assault or criminal force to deter a public servant from discharge of his duty.

An AAP leader pointed out that action against kumar was another strike at AAP’S roots–after arrests of Kejriwal, Sisodia and Sanjay Singh.

 ?? Archive ?? Bibhav Kumar was private secretary to Delhi CM.
Archive Bibhav Kumar was private secretary to Delhi CM.

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