The Sunday Guardian

Akhilesh may quit after Lok Sabha polls

A bungalow, which he is entitled to as a former CM, is being renovated.


It has been just two years since he swept into office, but Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav seems to be preparing for an exit, possibly after the Lok Sabha elections.

He has reportedly chosen a bungalow that he is entitled to occupy as a former Chief Minister. The Estate Department of the UP government is busy these days renovating the bungalow, which sits right behind the Samajwadi Party’s state headquarte­rs .

The bungalow was in a poor condition when it was allotted to the Urban and Rural Planning Department. The department was abruptly asked to vacate the premises and renovation work has started on a war footing. When the CM’s wife and SP MP, Dimple Yadav, started visiting the bungalow and giving directions, it became obvious that the CM’s family would move into the bungalow sooner rather than later.

Samajwadi circles are agog with speculatio­n about the need for Akhilesh Yadav to get a bungalow for himself at this juncture.

A senior minister in the Akhilesh government admitted that there could be a leadership change if the Lok Sabha results are not up to the mark for the SP. “If SP does not get the expected number of seats, it will directly reflect on the leadership of Akhilesh Yadav. A change will be needed if we want to salvage the situation,” the minister explained.

Meanwhile, reports about the bungalow have made members of Team Akhilesh press the panic button. “We really do not know what is cooking inside the family, but our future is directly linked to Akhilesh. If he moves out, we will also be thrown out,” said a minister in Akhilesh’s Cabinet.

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Akhilesh Yadav

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