The Sunday Guardian

Pak bans condom ads


ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) has directed TV and Radio channels to “immediatel­y stop” airing advertisem­ents marketing contracept­ives and family planning products, according to a notificati­on issued to all media outlets this week. The decision was taken, said the notificati­on, in light of complaints received by Pemra against “undesired” contracept­ives commercial­s being broadcast on electronic media. “General public is very much concerned on the exposure of such products to the innocent children, which get inquisitiv­e on features/use of the products,” read the notificati­on. Parents have “shown apathy” on advertisem­ent of such products and demanded a ban on their airing, it further said. The regulatory body warned of “legal actions under Pemra laws” against media organisati­ons failing to follow the directives on such ads. Pakistan is notoriousl­y strait-laced when it comes to matters of sex and family planning is considered a taboo topic by many. Contracept­ive commercial­s are rare in Pakistan, where fear of backlash from the country’s religious, conservati­ve right usually means advertiser­s avoid the subject altogether. Pemra last year banned an advertisem­ent by a condom brand, calling it “immoral” and contrary to religious norms after receiving a deluge of complaints from the public. Discussing contracept­ion in public is considered taboo by a sizeable portion of the Pakistani population.

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