The Sunday Guardian

Trump triumph is revenge of the ‘adorable deplorable­s’

His Democratic presidenti­al rival Hillary Clinton had branded ‘half of his supporters’ a ‘basket of deplorable­s’.


Sitting “in a bubble,” as filmmaker Michael Moore wrote in a Facebook post, they had not cared to see how the ever surging crowds at Trump’s rallies were wearing the insults hurled at them with pride on their tees as “Adorable Deplorable­s.”

And Barack Obama, the first black tenant of the White House, echoing Clinton had called the brash billionair­e who could be baited with a tweet as “dangerous and unfit” to be trusted with the nuclear code as Commander-in-Chief.

Yet here he was standing in the Rose Garden recalling to a shell shocked bunch of staffers and the press his election eve forecast that “regardless of whether your candidate won or lost, the sun would come up in the morning.”

“And that is one bit of prognostic­ating that actually came true. The sun is up,” he noted. And the sun did come up on the morrow too when the real estate mogul came calling on his “Trump Force One” to lay claim on the most prised property in Washington.

Sitting in the Oval Office that would be his in 70 days, Trump, who had till almost till the very end questioned his host’s birth place, acting very presidenti­al called their 90-minute chat a “great honour”.

They had “an excellent and wide-ranging conversati­on,” said a gracious Obama telling his guest at their first face-toface meeting: “If you succeed, then the country succeeds.”

That hopefully ended the bitter feud between the two going back to that April 2011 White House Correspond­ents’ Associatio­n Dinner where Obama had roasted Trump on the “birther” issue. If the mogul ever became President, he would add a high-rise, a neon sign with Trump’s name on the facade and a whole lot more gold to the White House, the president teased pointing to a mock-up picture of the executive mansion.

Left -leaning liberal comic Stephen Colbert began his election-night live special with an animated cartoon tracing Trump’s quest for the White House to his humiliatio­n by Obama then.

He had come prepared for another all night roast of the billionair­e, but as Trump quickly neared the magic number of 270 electoral votes, Colbert could only mumble: “Wow. That’s a horrifying prospect. I can’t put a happy face on that, and that’s my job.”

No one had seen what was coming. Not Colbert, not any of the major news outlets, nor the Chinese American Princeton professor who had vowed to “eat a bug” if Trump crossed 240.

“You were so wrong for so long. You misled your readers and were blinded by your own journalist­ic bigotry,” an angry reader wrote to the New York Times as the daily acknowledg­ed in a post mortem. Many others “ominously” cancelled subscripti­ons.

But even as Trump conferred with Obama at the White House, thousands of “Not Our President” protesters took to the streets across the country.

The media quickly renewed its feud with the mogul as he sent them into a tizzy by first calling the “profession­al protesters, incited by the media” as “unfair” and then praising them for their “passion for our great country.”

And the pundits who were ever ready to proclaim the Teflon Trump “toast” over the insults he hurled at his opponents were yet to reconcile to the fact that come on 20 January “President Trump” would be the toast of the town.

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