The Sunday Guardian

Be in harmony with nature

- By Swami Shantatman­anda

Swami Vivekanand­a’s birthday according to Hindu almanac was celebrated on the 19th of January, 2017. Millions of people all over the world remember him with great devotion on such days. Although he lived on this earth close to four decades, it was extremely difficult for him to stay tuned to the atmosphere of the world. He was ever deeply connected to his real or true nature which was infinite or consciousn­ess or Atman or Brahman. One of his Western admirers, Sister Christine, begins her reminiscen­ces of the Swami this way, “Now and then, at long intervals of time, a being finds his way to this planet who is unquestion­ably a wanderer from another sphere; who brings with him to this sorrowful world some of the glory, the power, the radiance of the far distant region from which he came. He walks among men, but he is not at home here.” His Guru Sri Ramakrishn­a warned his brother disciples that Naren would leave this world the moment he fully understand­s who he was. This literally happened. He was in America towards the end of 1900 and the beginning of 1901. His brother disciple Swami Turiyanand­a was also there. The disciples of Swamiji observed his birthday i.e. the 12th of January. Swami Turiyanand­a was shocked that here is a person who is ever in tune with infinite then how is it that he is celebratin­g an occasion which reminds one of the body. He questioned Swamiji about this. The latter laughingly replied that he won’t celebrate the next birthday and he won’t see the one after that. It literally happened. He gave up his body on the 4th of July, 1902, almost six months before turning forty. A few days before his Mahasamadh­i some of the younger monastics at the Belur Math asked him whether he knew who he was. Swamiji gravely replied, “Yes”. All the monastics then knew that he would no longer stay on this earth.

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