The Sunday Guardian

Trump aides divided over policy on ‘dreamer’ immigranTs

Factions seem to have arisen among Trump supporters over signature policy.


Meanwhile, Miller, said to have mastered the thinking of his former boss and antiimmigr­ation advocate Jeff Sessions, Trump’s nominee for U.S. Attorney General, as well as Bannon, former head of right-wing Breitbart News, have pushed Trump to take a harder approach and rescind the protection­s.

Two officials at the Department of Homeland Security expect Trump to simply stop renewing the authorizat­ions that “dreamers” currently have to work, drive and obtain higher education. Under that plan, the most recently renewed authorizat­ions would expire in two years.

But a senior House Republican aide said it was uncertain whether the administra­tion had scrapped the idea of overturnin­g Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, known as DACA, as the internal debate plays out.

Preserving DACA has also become somewhat of a bartering chip as Trump seeks congressio­nal support for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and other early administra­tion priorities.

The White House is “acutely aware” of the firestorm in the country and within Congress that could swamp the fledgling administra- tion just as it plunges into negotiatio­ns over the wall, healthcare, tax reform and infrastruc­ture investment­s, said the senior House Republican aide.

Another congressio­nal aide described a Senate bill sponsored by Democrat Dick Durbin and Republican Lindsey Graham to protect the “dreamers” as the “sugar that would help the medicine of the wall go down.”

The bill would likely face challenges winning enough votes to pass. Efforts to attach some tough conserva- tive amendments could lose Democratic Party support and sink the whole effort.

Trump has kept his public comments on DACA vague.

In an interview with ABC News on Wednesday, Trump said his administra­tion would be coming out with a policy to deal with “dreamers” over the next four weeks.

“They shouldn’t be very worried. They are here illegally. They shouldn’t be very worried. I do have a big heart. We’re going to take care of everybody. We’re going to have a very strong border,” Trump said in the interview with ABC.

Trump reportedly told Durbin during the inaugural luncheon at the Capitol on Jan. 20 that he did not have to worry about an executive action overturnin­g Obama’s order.

But there is scant trust among Democrats that Trump will keep his word. And immigratio­n advocates said DACA recipients live in fear and uncertaint­y as the message from the White House and Republican­s seems to shift by the day.

House Speaker Paul Ryan told a woman protected by DACA, at a townhall hosted by CNN Jan. 12, that there should be a solution for people like her to get “right with the law” and not be separated from their families.

Just two days prior, Sessions, a Senator, told a Senate panel considerin­g his confirmati­on that it would “certainly be constituti­onal” to repeal DACA.

Sessions also attempted to force a vote to block DACA in the Senate in 2014.

Miller, Sessions’ former staffer, is now Trump’s senior adviser for policy at the White House. Miller is known to be a staunch advocate for restrictin­g immigratio­n, even by workers who enter legally on visas.

Both Miller and Bannon, Trump’s senior counselor and chief strategist, are seen as outsiders to the Republican establishm­ent and unafraid to upset people like Ryan to stay true to Trump campaign promises.

Priebus, however, came to the White House after chairing the Republican National Committee and has spent years seeking to unify the party and cultivatin­g relationsh­ips with career politician­s.

 ?? REUTERS ?? US President Donald Trump looks on following the swearing-in ceremony of Defense Secretary James Mattis at the Pentagon in Washington, on Friday.
REUTERS US President Donald Trump looks on following the swearing-in ceremony of Defense Secretary James Mattis at the Pentagon in Washington, on Friday.

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