The Sunday Guardian

Malaysia polls start amid claims of bias

The fund is being investigat­ed for money-laundering and graft.


Campaignin­g for Malaysia’s May 9 general election began on Saturday, pitting Prime Minister Najib Razak against his former mentor Mahathir Mohamad in a contest marred by claims of sabotage and a skewed electoral system.

Najib leads his undefeated ruling coalition into arguably its toughest election since independen­ce from Britain in 1957. He is grappling with a multi-billion-dollar scandal at a state fund, public anger over living costs and an unpreceden­ted challenge by the 92-year-old Mahathir.

Mahathir, returning to politics after retiring 15 years ago, will stand in the holiday island of Langkawi. Prime minister for 22 years before stepping down in 2003, Mahathir returned to challenge Najib after a billion-dollar scandal at state investment fund 1Malaysia Developmen­t Berhad. The fund is being investigat­ed for money-laundering and graft in at least six countries, including the United States, Singapore and Switzerlan­d. Najib denies any wrongdoing in connection with losses at the fund. He has also defended his government’s economic record despite public discontent over rising prices, blamed on a consumptio­n tax he introduced in 2015. Najib will contest the election from his home state of Pahang. His Barisan Nasional (BN) alliance and the opposition are vying for 222 parliament­ary and 505 state seats. Election Commission Chairman Mohd Hashim Abdullah told a news conference that 85 percent voter turnout was expected on polling day, despite it being a weekday. “Don’t worry. We set the date and the turnout target because we expect they will come out,” Mohd Hashim told the news conference, which was broadcast live. A Wednesday polling day was seen as potentiall­y discouragi­ng millions of Malaysians living abroad from voting. However, outraged Malaysians took to social media to offer funding and other services to help people return home to vote.

A low voter turnout would potentiall­y help Najib’s coalition retain power. Mahathir told reporters on Friday he suspected sabotage of a private plane that was to fly him from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi, where he was to file his candidacy on Saturday, after the pilot discovered some damage to the aircraft just before take-off.

“I have warned before that there will be attempts to stop candidates from making it to the nomination centre,” he told a news conference.

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