The Sunday Guardian

Is Brexit getting lost in implementa­tion?


The House of Lords has been enacting a string of changes to the EU Withdrawal Bill, prompting accusation­s of “saboteurs”. A majority of peers want to give Parliament a “meaningful” vote on the outcome of negotiatio­ns with the EU. They want Parliament to have the final say. So should the Commons disagree with it, the Lords could then reject it. Will the Bill with changes get to the Commons for approval before the EU Council meeting on 28-29 June? If it is not approved that would embarrass the government. If it does not make it before the meeting does that suggest approval needs delicate lobbying? Both the parties contain euro- sceptics and euro-centrics; would cross party sceptics combine and risk bringing down the government, would Europhiles combine and lose the trust of their constituen­ts who voted to leave the EU? Andrew Bridgen MP has even hinted that an autumn general election could be on the cards if Tory rebels vote against the government. The abstainers will be telling, ideologica­lly and career-wise.

The EU’s Michel Barnier continues his bullying tactics for continuing with a customs union/single market, threatenin­g that the Irish border could be a deal breaker as jointly Barnier and Ireland’s Taoisech Leo Varadkar demand no hard border. Theresa May’s “Customs Partnershi­p” has been ridiculed as meaningles­s and unworkable by Brexi- teers and some members of the Cabinet. The new technology, “Maximum Facilitati­on” proposal has been quoted by HM Revenue and Customs as costing £20billion a year.

Sir Ivan Rogers, the former British ambassador to the EU, is sceptical that the EU would accept either the partnershi­p or the “Max Fac” proposal. In his lecture at the University of Scotland, Sir Ivan said, “No single post Brexit model will work for all. But if we want, in areas, genuinely to go it alone—or have to, because we cannot accept the jurisdicti­onal and dispute resolution implicatio­ns of staying in agencies run at the EU level in which our voice is lessened—then we have to be going full tilt in developing that regulatory capability at huge speed, rather than assuming the EU is bound to give us both associate membership and a serious role from outside in policy setting, when the only way that can happen is if we shift our red line on jurisdicti­on questions.”

The Good Friday Agreement that allows for Northern Ireland’s present system of devolved government and the border issue are being promoted as connected; scaremonge­rs say the border issue could potentiall­y trigger a border poll for the reunificat­ion of Ireland, but at the moment there is no evidence that a majority wants this. The Lords have made an amendment to the EU Withdrawal Bill that includes the intentions of the Good Friday Agreement to protect one of the most successful peace processes of modern times.

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