The Sunday Guardian

God is with us

- By Rev. Dr. Richard Howell

Ronny knows that uncertaint­y and contingenc­y are a part and parcel of human existence. The tragedy that strikes us and the forces over which we have no control leave all human beings equal. Ronny has seen it all yet he is a joyful person. With the passing of each year, as he reflects on God’s faithfulne­ss, he has expectatio­ns for the year ahead.ronny knows that while he stands in awe at the majesty of Jesus Christ, none can fathom the depths of the riches of his wisdom and grace. Ronny has not forgotten that Jesus is called the “Man of Sorrows.” Jesus plunged into the processes of time and history to be in solidarity with the weakest and the poorest. Jesus understand­s the sorrows of the rich and the pain of the poor. Jesus plunged into the strong tide of this world processes to swim against the torrential currents that snatch us away from the source of fullness of life. The hubris of the strong that exploits the weak, the pain of helplessne­ss in the face of falsehood that enslaves the mind. Jesus understand­s, he has faced it all for our sake. Therefore, we enter the New Year with great expectatio­ns of the presence of living Jesus and the indwelling Holy Spirit to see us through the rough and tough side of life. Ronny is determined to enter into the future assured of God’s blessing and the way to do it is to listen to God and His gentle directions. God does not merely wish us well for the future, but gives us a word of direction. Through confidence in His word and faithfulne­ss to it we can be at peace, assured of His gracious presence and being in centre of His will. God is bigger than the fear of the Goliaths in our life. David overcame because he moved from fear to faith in the living God. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26). Begin each day by reading God’s Word and listening to God speak. Reflect on what God lays on your heart and pray. I pray God’s presence, peace, power and provision be your portion. Have a blessed New Year!

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