The Sunday Guardian

Houthis start redeployme­nt in Hodeidah


Yemen’s Houthi forces have started to redeploy from the port of the Red Sea city of Hodeidah as part of a U.n.sponsored peace agreement signed in Sweden earlier this month, a UN source and a spokesman for the group said on Saturday.

The Iranian-aligned Houthis have agreed with the Saudi-backed government to implement a ceasefire in Hodeidah province and withdraw their respective forces.

Retired Dutch general Patrick Cammaert, the head of a United Nations advance team charged with monitoring the ceasefire, arrived in Hodeidah this week.

Under the deal, internatio­nal monitors are to be deployed in Hodeidah and a Redeployme­nt Coordinati­on Committee (RCC) including both sides, chaired by Cammaert, will oversee implementa­tion. The com- mittee started its meetings this week.

A UN source said the Houthi forces, which control the city and its strategic port, had started to redeploy overnight. Hodeidah’s Houthi governor, Mohammed Ayash Qaheem, told Reuters that the group’s fighters had withdrawn from the port as specified in the peace agreement, handing control to local units of Yemeni coast guards who were in charge of protecting ports before the war. These will be under U.N. supervisio­n.

A camera operator saw the UN team led by Cammaert witnessing the fighters’ withdrawal.

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