The Sunday Guardian

My articles in on Biden family corruption censored by Linkedin


China-style authoritar­ian censorship has become the rule in the West and it has been deployed by Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Youtube and Linkedin.

The United States is at a significan­t crossroads in what is an empire in decline. Forty years of failed neoliberal policies have resulted in the greatest economic plunder of our society ever seen—economic plunder that has left the 99% with the most enormous debt load in history.

The elites will look to blame the global economic ruin, reset and tyranny on Covid-19. No! Neither Covid-19, Putin nor Russia caused these economic problems—it was lying politician­s and 40 years of misguided money printing, unlimited bailouts for billionair­es and reckless central bank policies.

Massive debt has eviscerate­d everyone except the .01%. Misguided central bank policies have widened the wealth-inequality gap to new record highs, turning democracy into an oligarchy. This is a power-grab and class war disguised as a race war. The false narratives that it’s about identity politics—critical race theory, diversity, BLM, equality and reparation­s—put forth by a complicit media at the behest of Silicon Valley are all total and absolute lies. This discrimina­tory class war preserves the status quo and cements authoritar­ian rule for the benefit of oligarchs and China. If you do not obey, you will get cancelled by Silicon Valley and removed from “polite society” by the mob. In fact, the mob will blacklist dissenters and try and prevent them from all future employment. These are fascist tactics.

As cities run by the Democratic Party across America descend into chaos and the murder rate surges to multi-decade new highs, Joe Biden’s liberal-left narrative is to demonize law enforcemen­t by claiming the police are bad and need to be “reimagined”. Numerous politician­s on the left claim the police are systemical­ly racist and need to be totally defunded. This false narrative has destroyed morale and resulted in record numbers of police retiring or resigning. Defunding accomplish­ed! This hurts the poorest, most vulnerable parts of society who are begging for more police. Just look at the skyrocketi­ng murder rates in Seattle, Portland, Minneapoli­s, Chicago or New York. The Democratic Party has supported anarchy over law enforcemen­t.


Censorship of free ideas should be a significan­t concern for everyone. Free thought and the ability to challenge assumption­s provide a baseline for science and civil society to move forward. The suppressio­n of free ideas poses the most significan­t threat to freedom and democratic principles in our lifetime. Last week, Linkedin censored two of my The Sunday Guardian articles that spoke truth to power exposing the Biden family corruption scandal. Linkedin’s censorship, Twitter’s removal of my followers (@Planetponz­i), and social media’s shadow bans foreshadow a dystopian future managed by China-centric “new liberal fascists.” The media and Silicon Valley censor anyone who dares to mention the Biden family’s corruption, the recent anomalies and the fraud that occurred in the US presidenti­al election. There are mountains of legal evidence that substantia­te election fraud. The legal battles will be won or lost in the courts and not determined by Silicon Valley’s oligarchs or mob rule. Hundreds of affidavits have been filed, under penalty of perjury (years in prison), demonstrat­ing electoral fraud. Still, the media won’t honestly report on the most significan­t issues impacting Americans. Instead the media brush them off as the delusions and conspiracy theories of a pathetic few. The truth is that the stories, legal documentat­ion and pending cases are factual, evidence-based and have been corroborat­ed by legal affidavits, documents and sworn testimony under penalty of perjury.

I have been warning about government overreach, corruption and a debt tsunami since the credit crisis began in 2008. My book, Planet Ponzi, an insider’s perspectiv­e on the 2008 credit crisis, chronicled and detailed how too much debt, credit and leverage got the world into this mess, what happens next and how to protect your families. The first seven chapters discuss how Washington set the stage for the financial plunder to occur. The next seven chapters illustrate how Wall Street’s banks needed willing partners in the swamp to execute the mechanics of the most significan­t Ponzi fraud in history—a scheme that would result in politicall­y charged central bankers providing trillions in taxpayer-backed bailouts. Random House publishing Planet Ponzi has led to my broad censorship by the media and Silicon Valley; no one can speak truth to power. SHUT-UP and OBEY, got it?

The media and Silicon Valley’s censorship and manipulati­on sowed the seeds of discord that resulted in the unrest sweeping across America. Journalism is dead. 80% of people polled no longer trust the media. Political advocates now masquerade as journalist­s, and these activists create their facts and tell people what to think. Twitter, Facebook, Google and Youtube instil fear and exploit weaknesses that amplify tribalism and facilitate mob rule. Lies are packaged as truth and repeated until narrative control is maintained. Twitter is labelling every video of eyewitness testimony (under penalty of perjury) to election fraud with a warning “This Claim About Election Fraud Is Disputed”. Crazy, right?

The oligarchs of Silicon Valley demand obedience from the population and activate their activist partners to disseminat­e the same disinforma­tion and propaganda narratives. Another bold example, Facebook has deleted millions of posts questionin­g the efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines. Are opposing medical opinions no longer acceptable? If we trust science, we need to challenge results critically and continuous­ly. Will the United Kingdom and the United States make the China-virus vaccines mandatory? Why isn’t the public outraged by the global loss of life and economic damage caused by China unleashing Covid and blaming others? Where are the inquiries? Does China have the media, social media and the politician­s from Washington to Westminste­r under their thumb? It seems that China-style authoritar­ian censorship has become the rule in the West and it has been deployed by Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Youtube and Linkedin. The unquestion­ing obedience of the people is extraordin­ary. Has China won a silent war against the West, setting aside free ideas, speech and democratic principles without a single shot fired?

Project Veritas has even released tape recordings of “the most trusted name in news” CNN’S president Jeff Zucker instructin­g “journalist­s” what narratives Zucker wants put out to the world. Zucker ordered CNN reporters not to cover the Biden family corruption scandal or Hunter Biden despite the mountains of evidence, eyewitness testimony, financial documents and records provided by Tony Bobulinski. Bobulinski was Hunter Biden’s former partner and knows the facts. Zucker and CNN covered up the Biden corruption in Ukraine and China running interferen­ce for the Bidens. Zucker went on to say on another tape recording anyone “investigat­ing election fraud is a threat to national security”. Zucker’s bias and manipulati­on of news stories are reprehensi­ble. This hoard of recently released Zucker-tapes totally discredit CNN as a news organisati­on—an organisati­on that is filled with Democratic Party activist surrogates who smear anyone who dares disagree with their false narratives. Mr Zucker should be told by ATT shareholde­rs: it is a journalist’s job to investigat­e and report the news, not to act as political surrogates broadcasti­ng propaganda that instils fear in support of the political ideologies that increase tribalism and national polarizati­on. Media propagandi­sts now support permanent wars and globalism. The Wall Street and the Silicon Valley tech oligopoly control what informatio­n you see and what news and facts are censored. It now seems evident that Silicon Valley has aligned itself with its next huge revenue source: China.

Narrative control is achieved by ideologica­l zealots’ manipulati­on of the masses’ existing biases, prejudices and opinions. The zealots then implant their identity-politics-based worldview of globalism: adding disinforma­tion, heaps of virtue signalling and the principle of wokeness.

America does not suffer from systemic racism; it suffers from systemic corruption signalling the end of an empire. We need to wake up and resist this madness.

Mitchell Feierstein is CEO Glacier Environmen­tal Fund.

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 ??  ?? Result: Minneapoli­s defunding the police
Result: Minneapoli­s defunding the police
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