The Sunday Guardian

Jesus’ gift of eternal life


When a man who is rich, young, and a ruler comes to Jesus Christ with a question, “what must I do to have eternal life”? (Matthew 19: 16-22); one wonders! He had all one dreams of; happiness, comfort, love, and position in society, yet he knew something was missing. The friends surroundin­g him saw all his vital needs met, his aim in life fulfilled, and he was equipped with the means to solve all life’s problems. Yet, the rich young ruler knew, eternal life can’t be purchased or earned. He wanted to know the best path to achieve this ultimate goal in his life. The question the rich young man asked Jesus arose from his heart’s depths, and indeed, it is an essential and unavoidabl­e question for every person’s life.

The rich young ruler heard Jesus announce the “Kingdom of God has come, repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). The man knew entry into God’s kingdom gives eternal life. He understood Jesus gave an invitation and a welcome to all, when he offered eternal life as a gift. Eternal life had to be free, for only God is eternal, and the gospel is the means to receive God’s gracious gift. Does it sound too good to be true?

Inheriting eternal life involves trust in God, seen in repentance from a wayward life and single-minded love for God, shown in clinging to Christ. Jesus tested the love of the young man when he said, “Go sell all and come follow me” (v.21). Jesus challenged the rich young man to exchange the transient god of wealth with the eternal treasure of eternal life which Jesus offers. Jesus was testing the young man’s love for we worship what or whom we love. Sorrowfull­y, the rich young man left Jesus.

Jesus can guide us as we try to understand the meaning of life. Let us trust and love God, and work for humanity’s common good, as we continue to face the pandemic raging in God’s beautiful world.

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