The Sunday Guardian



Edited excerpts of the interview which was done just a day before Joe Biden took oath as President:

Q: You have known President-elect Joe Biden for six years and are the only one who has penned a biography on him. If you have to describe him in one word what would that be and why? A: Resilient. He has hit one setback after another in his life—the death of his wife and children, the brain aneurysm, running for President without success. But he has continued forging ahead because it is one of his core beliefs.

Q: He is assuming the role of the American President at a time which can best be described as tumultuous, both domestical­ly and internatio­nally. Do you believe he is among the best men to lead the US in these difficult times? If so, why?

A: There were a lot of Americans running for the Democratic nomination, and many voters did not initially favour Biden. They thought he was perhaps too old and too moderate. But he prevailed in the primary, and ultimately the election because voters saw his ability to survive and remain constructi­ve as a lesson for the country. His life story gives him relevant experience.

A: President Donald Trump made a name for himself for his “eccentric” and impulsive actions and words. Do these two qualities hold true for Joe Biden too?

A: Though they are both older white men, with a reputation for saying unexpected things, they are radically different people. Even Biden’s opponents and critics often say they like him personally; he doesn’t seek to antagonize. If anything, he is genial to a fault. Trump, on the other hand, seeks to “dominate”, to use one of his favourite words.

Q: US Presidenti­al elections and US Presidents have a wide following in India. During your interactio­ns with Biden, did he speak about India and related issues? What are his views about India?

A: We did not discuss India in detail, I’m sorry to say. I wish we had.

Q: Biden, as you have mentioned in your book, is a “strident voice of skepticism when it comes to the use of American forces outside the country”. In this context, is it safe to assume that America’s focus on “restoring” and “strengthen­ing” democracy in foreign lands will decrease, if not totally cease, under Biden?

A: He has been chastened by America’s misadventu­re in Iraq. He voted for that war and he came to regret it, so he is more cautious than his predecesso­rs about regime change. But he also believes in voicing support for democracy and criticisin­g those who undermine it. So, you are likely to see him taking a strong position to strengthen democracy with words and policies, but not with armed invasion.

Q: There is a lot of interest, globally, on what US policies on security, economic and foreign affairs under Biden would be. How do you see these policies evolving as a journalist and as someone who knows Biden for long?

A: I see in Biden a clear desire to try to restore American credibilit­y in the eyes of allies who have been shaken by four years of antagonism. His view is that the US is stronger in concert with friends, and he enjoys that process. He was offended by the very notion of America First, and you’re likely to see him devote a lot of time to foreign affairs, but only after he can make progress on combating the primary issues at home: Covid, the economy, and political division.

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