The Sunday Guardian

God, you and others


Ruth spent time in breathing exercises, hoping to overcome the stress and anxiety that diminished her life and robbed her of joy. Her productivi­ty and creativity at work also suffered. The popular belief that suggests all living resources are within didn’t help either. Concentrat­ion and breathing exercises did help her get in touch with her feelings and aid in sound decision making. However, many times after a round of breathing exercises, unpleasant memories and feelings of inadequacy flooded her mind. Ruth did believe in the Lord Jesus and once in a while, read her Bible too. The turning point in Ruth’s life came when she heard her friend Rani’s testimony about how the experience of God’s presence changed the course of her life. Both women spent time talking and sharing, which was a moment of revelation that we are social creatures and need the company of others to lighten our sorrows and multiply joy. Ruth wanted to take in every word that Rani shared.

Rani emphasised that it is not just friends in life but a vital connection with the living God who is the source of all life that is important. Rani read from the Bible: “They are darkened in their understand­ing and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.” (Ephesians 4:18). The problem Rani explained is our ignorance that we are self-sufficient individual­s, and all the resources to live a joyful life are within. Ignorance causes our darkened mind and hardened heart. We then neither seek God nor trust a loving heavenly Father who is accessible through the Lord Jesus who loves us and sacrificed His life for us.

Ruth now joyfully spends time soaking in and delighting in God’s presence; pouring out her heart to Him every day; giving an account of her life to God. Ruth realises that humanity is one and that we need to love one another, and God empowers us to do so as we commune with Him.

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