The Sunday Guardian



that the income-tax rates first introduced under the Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda in 1997 (and which were a substantia­l reduction from earlier rates) be retained. Instead, they have seen incrementa­l increases over the years rather than brought down further. Rate reductions need to happen at least for those with incomes below Rs 1 crore annually.


Greta Thunberg perhaps unwittingl­y revealed a few details of what had been obvious to a few observers of the situation at least from November 2020. This was that no concession short of full and immediate withdrawal of the farm three laws is acceptable to those who appear to be functionin­g behind the cover of a noble and patriotic community. Many of those taking part in the protests are patriotic citizens, who genuinely believe that their futures are being threatened by the new laws. Unfortunat­ely, it takes a single drop of ink to make inedible a glass of milk, and the nature of the mindset behind just such a drop was revealed by Ms Thunberg before those who briefed her the first time around got her to delete her earlier tweet and replace it with an anodyne substitute. Meena Harris or Rihanna too may be unaware of the mayhem that was caused in the national capital of the world’s most populous democracy on 26 January, when an army of tractors entered and forced their entry, including into zones close to where diplomats from across the world reside. It may be remembered that several tens of thousands of farmers died not by accident (as was the case in the 26 January incident) but by committing suicide. These occurred during the decade when AICC supremo Sonia Gandhi remote-controlled the Central government. Finally, after all these years of silence at suicides and privation at the hands of middlemen in league with politician­s, the death of a farmer so touched the heart of the admittedly charismati­c and telegenic daughter of the “CP” (Congress President) that she rushed to his home village in UP to console the bereaved family.


The bigger the aartiya, the greater his motivation to ensure freedom from the tax net through mandatory registrati­on under the Incometax or GST provisions as prescribed by the farm laws. Several of the bigger aartiyas are involved not only in grain procuremen­t but in distributi­on of FMCG fertiliser, farm machinery and equipment, building materials, cement, hardware and in real estate. So far, none of the suppliers of such business have interceded with their aartiya distributo­rs to ask them to concentrat­e on business rather than mobilise groups of protestors to go to the Delhi border or involve themselves with the protest in multiple other ways. Several of the farmers are in debt to the aartiyas and it needs to be checked if the interest rates being charged are beyond the legal limit. For those who are outside the comforts of the Lutyens Zone, it is inexplicab­le why thus far no discernibl­e effort has been made by the government to identify and persuade the aartiyas to focus on business rather than street protests. This seems not to have been attempted by either the government or multiple entities that are giving them other business. Since 1947, farmers in a few of the northern states have been under the yoke of the aartiya system, and have fallen into debt through various ways. Once those aartiyas behind the turmoil understand that not only the economy of the entire country but their own incomes will be affected by it, enough of them will come around to the view that getting involved in protests at the cost of business is unwise. Under the new laws, farmers will have the right to sell their produce through multiple platforms, including APMC. They can also use digital platforms, E-NAM or physical aggregatio­n of supply chains, as pointed out by agricultur­al experts concerned about the future of farmers in India, a country where the producer and the consumer often get short-changed by the middleman, who till now seems to have escaped the attention of the revenue authoritie­s.


Several among those taking part in the protests are Sikhs, a noble and patriotic community. Religious figures and other influencer­s (such as Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh, an acknowledg­ed expert on the military) need to be briefed on the efforts of aliens to derail the future of the youth of India through generating tumult. Not just Sikhs but North India’s Jat community are intensely patriotic, and those within the Jat community who are genuine community leaders should be contacted and given the facts, so that the context becomes clear. Diplomacy needs to be carried out not only in conference rooms or through the mass media but individual­ly as well. Sarpanches of villages active in the protest as well as panchayat BDOS are others who need to be individual­ly contacted in order to get the facts across rather than leave them to the messages suggested in manuals such as the toolkit disclosed by the Swedish activist. Laws ensuring continuanc­e of Minimum Support Price and APMC need to be introduced, while legislatio­n removing such features of the laws already passed as absence of judicial involvemen­t or freedom to hoard without limit needs to be initiated. The present move of having a hiatus for 18 months while an expert committee goes through the clauses is another example of the manner in which the football of reform is constantly being kicked outside the field. Another tweak to the farm laws should be to place responsibi­lity for their implementa­tion on state government­s rather than impose an omnibus “one size fits all” Central edict. Should such changes be made, it is difficult to see why the farmers’ agitation on the Delhi border should continue, at least in the case of the overwhelmi­ng majority. Only the few external actors and their agents would be upset at the protest cooling down, as they seek to use the cover of the farmers to create a situation designed to lead to a meltdown in the credibilit­y and therefore the efficacy of the Central government as an instrument of reform. It needs to be emphasised that while the number of those who have been involved in the “Melt

India” operation are very few, several of them were given OCI cards and visas by the present government, as a Gandhian gesture of reconcilia­tion. The bitter fruits of the policy error of the NDA scrapping the earlier Khalistan blacklist have started pouring down in some locations. The need is to bring an “all hands on deck” approach by reaching out to the state government­s and opposition parties involved. An innovative idea suggested by concerned agricultur­al experts is to set up an independen­t Agricultur­al Tribunal that would look into matters relating to exploitati­on of farmers from any quarter, including predatory corporates. The few (almost entirely external) rotten apples need to have their OCI cards and visas revoked immediatel­y. Care should be taken to avoid giving such documents to those with a history of support for secession in India who live in countries such as Canada, the US and the UK. Their activities end up pleasing the GHQ Rawalpindi-pla partnershi­p at the expense of the people of India. They are particular­ly active in seeking to poison ties between India and other major democracie­s. To give a religious tag to the present protest is erroneous, as this only helps the Melt India operators. Whether the citizen of the world’s most populous democracy be Muslim, Sikh,

Buddhist, Christian or Hindu, the believers on each of these faiths are committed to the integrity and progress of India and have demonstrat­ed their loyalty to the tricolour numerous times.


The Lutyens Zone had been warned in advance about the Melt India plan, facets of which were most recently revealed in the detailed toolkit fortuitous­ly revealed by Greta Thunberg. The campaigner for a clean planet seems to have acted in good faith without being aware of the provenance of the informatio­n that was fed to her. The same can be said of Meena Harris, Rihanna or many others who joined in the Twitter war. After the failure of the 26 January ruckus to get the government to repeal the laws, the global Twitter storm was, it was hoped, force the hand of Prime Minister Modi into withdrawin­g the three farm laws. Once this got done, next would follow agitations on other pretexts, such as the removal of Article 370, and this particular movement was planned to gather pace by mid-may. Rather than the passive-reactive policy favoured in the Lutyens Zone, what is needed is to identify the handful of individual­s who are hiding behind the farmers and carrying out their “Melt India” operations. In this task, the innocent farmers and others who have temporaril­y been led into being part of actions that in effect go against their own interests need to be treated as friends and not as adversarie­s. We are all Indians together, and in case an all-out effort is made by the authoritie­s to make clear, especially to local influencer­s, the dimensions of what is taking place, even Rakesh Tikait may come to favour a reasonable solution. A few foreign nationals have been allowed to freely enter India since 2015 despite working in sync with GHQ Rawalpindi-pla and their game plan of weakening the country from inside preparator­y to invading it from the outside. The sooner the present situation is rectified through reasoned dialogue, behind the scenes diplomacy and intercessi­on, as well as substantiv­e gestures of accommodat­ion, the better. Even Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will in time understand the importance of India, the US and other major democracie­s that form the G-10 working together in furtheranc­e of the common security of the group. G-10 leaders need to avoid gladdening the hearts of those no longer secret capitals that seek to replace secular and liberal democracy with extremism and authoritar­ianism as the dominant ideology of the times.

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