The Sunday Guardian

Cairn, Vodafone cases: Socialism masqueradi­ng as nationalis­m

The persistenc­e of retrospect­ive taxation has already cost a great deal to India’s reputation.


Imagine the Indian ships in internatio­nal waters being seized—not by pirates or the navy of China or Pakistan but by a private company, and that too legally. Unfortunat­ely, this is not a hypothetic­al scenario but a distinct possibilit­y.

Cairn Energy has threatened to seize Indian assets abroad if New Delhi doesn’t comply with the verdict of the Permanent Court of Arbitratio­n at The Hague, which had ruled that the British oil explorer could not be subjected to retrospect­ive taxation. Hopefully, that won’t happen because both sides have started negotiatio­ns; Cairn Energy chief executive officer Simon Thomson met Finance Secretary Ajay Bhushan Pandey on 18 February to address the issue, but the threat cannot be ruled out. Things have come to such a pass because of the Finance Ministry’s obsession with revenue maximisati­on.

As if the coronaviru­sinduced decline were not enough, the deep pink state— comprising the socialists and statists entrenched in the system—are hurting the cause of recovery. Peddling the discredite­d policy of revenue maximisati­on, along with another abominatio­n called retrospect­ive taxation, is a most effective way of damaging growth. And that is exactly what they are doing.

The same kind of people led the country to another but similar quagmire—the Vodafone tax case. Their view is that India should extract Rs 22,000 crore from the company despite an adverse ruling from the internatio­nal court and an earlier one from our own Supreme Court. If the Narendra Modi government accepts this view, the ramificati­ons would be calamitous and far-reaching for India’s attractive­ness as an investment destinatio­n and its gross domestic product (GDP).

The deep pink state can sound nationalis­tic but its decisions are invariably against the best interests of the nation. A few months ago, The Times Of India had quoted unnamed Central government officials who claimed that the Vodafone order from the internatio­nal court “impinges on its sovereign right to tax”.

Another official, also unnamed, sounded positively jingoistic: “These tribunals acting like super states and decide on what’s in the exclusive domain of Parliament or courts.”

This is a blend of mendacity and duplicity: following internatio­nal laws and respecting rulings by internatio­nal courts doesn’t compromise sovereignt­y. In 2014, a United Nations tribunal gave a verdict favouring Bangladesh over India in a sea boundary row. India not only honoured the ruling but also said, “The settlement of the maritime boundary will further enhance mutual understand­ing and goodwill between India and Bangladesh by bringing to closure a long-pending issue.”

Giving up land has no impact on sovereignt­y, but foregoing a fraudulent claim has! The chicanery of the deep pink state is staggering. This also flies in the face of the well-establishe­d definition of nationhood; land is an integral part of a state and nation; money is not. For money is transient but territory is permanent.

The Vodafone saga began in May 2007 with the British corporatio­n buying a 67% stake in Hutchison Whampoa for a considerat­ion of $11 billion. Vodafone bought Hutchison’s mobile telephony business and other assets in India. Four months later, the Indian government demanded Rs 7,990 crore in capital gains and withholdin­g tax from Vodafone, arguing that it should have charged the same from Hutchison as tax deducted at source before making a payment.

Vodafone legally challenged the demand notice, and the case went up to the Supreme Court. In 2012, the apex court decided in favour of Vodafone. The matter should have ended there, but taxmen managed to convince the then Finance Minister, Pranab Mukherjee, to disregard the highest court of the land and undo its ruling Azby bringing in an ordinance—which he did.

Mukherjee remained stubborn regarding the retrospect­ive tax demand. He thundered in Parliament: “I would like to be guided either by a double tax avoidance agreement or domestic tax law. There cannot be a situation where somebody will make money on an asset located in India and will not pay tax either in India or to the country of its origin.” Unfortunat­ely, Parliament let the government override the Supreme Court, and the ordinance became law.

It is unfortunat­e that the Modi regime accepted the spurious and fallacious logic proffered by Pranab Mukherjee. The late statesman had many virtues, but internatio­nal taxation was not one of them.

It would be even more unfortunat­e if the pseudo-nationalis­tic logic is allowed to prevail after the internatio­nal court verdict. Even if we accept that the internatio­nal court’s decision undermines our sovereignt­y, how could India convince the world about its own Supreme Court’s stance? Did that too want to undermine the nation’s sovereignt­y? And are the true nationalis­ts found only in the Finance Ministry?

The persistenc­e of retrospect­ive taxation has already cost a great deal to India’s reputation. Had India not continued with this vile practice (and adopted a businessfr­iendly approach), lakhs of crores would have come to the country, created millions of jobs, and brought much more than what the taxmen want to extract from Vodafone and Cairn. Tax revenue is maximized by augmenting economic activity, not by squeezing business houses.

Non-acceptance of the verdicts by the internatio­nal court will further hurt our chances of attracting investment, both foreign as well as domestic. What the nation needs is investment, not tax terrorism which now comes in the guise of nationalis­m.

Ravi Shanker Kapoor is a freelance journalist.

Ihad the honour and privilege of meeting the great Nelson Mandela several times. While in hospital last week I re-read his autobiogra­phy, Long Walk to Freedom. Out of it dropped out a photograph taken in Windhoek, capital of Namibia. In it are Mr Nelson Mandela, Rajiv Gandhi and myself. All there were attending the celebratio­ns of the declaratio­n of the independen­ce of Namibia (preindepen­dence day South West Africa) on 21 March 1990.

Many heads of state and heads of government had been invited. Mr Nelson Mandela, who had been recently released from his twenty-seven years in prison, was the star attraction. Rajiv Gandhi was invited in his personal capacity. He asked me to accompany me.

The second item was a copy of a newspaper report

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The author with Rajiv Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.
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