The Sunday Guardian

WHO’S Tedros pulls up China, meekly

Tedros’ change in stance should be viewed against the backdrop of the growing condemnati­on of and scepticism over the WHO’S role and functionin­g during the Covid crisis.


World Health Organizati­on Director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s recently chided China for not releasing key data on the origins of the novel coronaviru­s. This was unexpected, as he had behaved like Chinese President Xi Jinping’s spokespers­on ever since the virus hit the headlines—if not before. So what has come over him? Has he suddenly developed a spine and a moral compass?

Is the leopard changing its stripes?

The WHO boss recently expressed displeasur­e over the way the PRC allowed the investigat­ion into the origins of Covid-19. Internatio­nal experts, who were sent by the WHO to Wuhan earlier this year to probe, almost exonerated China over the subject. It was “extremely unlikely” that the virus escaped from the Wuhan Virology Lab, they said. In all likelihood, humans got the novel coronaviru­s from bats via an intermedia­ry animal. The lab was squeaky clean, said the WHO, forgetting that a year may make all the difference between conditions then and now.

There was nothing surprising about this finding, given the WHO’S deference to Beijing. But now even Tedros wants another probe into the origin of the coronaviru­s. “I do not believe that this assessment was extensive enough,” he informed the UN health body’s 194 member nations on the corona origins report. “Further data and studies will be needed to reach more robust conclusion­s.”

He went on to say, “Although the team has concluded that a laboratory leak is (convenient­ly for the PRC) the least likely hypothesis, this requires further investigat­ion, potentiall­y with additional missions involving specialist experts, which I am ready to deploy.” Of course, after such a length of time and the inevitable supervisio­n, even Tedros knows that proving the truth is an impossible task.

Tedros’ change in stance should be viewed against the backdrop of the growing condemnati­on of and scepticism over the WHO’S role and functionin­g during the Covid crisis. Around the time Tedros performed the somersault, 14 democratic nations—the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Estonia, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, South Korea, and Slovenia—issued a joint statement castigatin­g the WHO’S report exoneratin­g China.

“In a serious outbreak of an unknown pathogen with pandemic potential, a rapid, independen­t, expert-led, and unimpeded evaluation of the origins is critical to better prepare our people, our public health institutio­ns, our industries, and our government­s to respond successful­ly to such an outbreak and prevent future pandemics,” the joint statement said.

“Going forward, there must now be a renewed commitment by WHO and all Member States to access, transparen­cy, and timeliness,” it added.

This is what goaded Tedros to go for a “further investigat­ion”. The tiger doesn’t seem to have changed its stripes. The WHO and the PRC should be made accountabl­e for their actions, and some in both tried for crimes against humanity. In the last week of December 2019, top Chinese Communist Party bosses knew about the spread and lethality of the novel coronaviru­s, but they didn’t inform other countries about it. As I wrote earlier, had they announced the high transmissi­bility of the coronaviru­s three weeks before when they did, on 20 January, Covid-19 casualties would have been 95% less.

It is not clear as to why Xi and the CCP wanted to infect the world but it’s quite evident that they did want to do that—and did that. Nothing else explains their reluctance to inform the world about the dangerous virus.

WHO proved to be a willing accomplice. It lulled the world into believing that the problem was not big. It didn’t recommend travel ban from and to China: Tedros couldn’t anger his masters in Beijing. Nor did the UN health body warn other government­s about the gravity of the crisis. In fact, the WHO infamously tweeted on 14 January, “Preliminar­y investigat­ions conducted by the Chinese authoritie­s have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmissi­on of the novel #coronaviru­s (2019-ncov) identified in #Wuhan, #China.”

Tedros has to do a lot of explaining. The man who should have faced the consequenc­es of his acts of omission and commission continues to pontificat­e about “leadership and solidarity at the global and national levels.”

This happened because the Fauci-led public health establishm­ent in the US, intellectu­als all over the world, Big Tech, the mainstream media, the military-industrial complex and Wall Street joined hands and refused to see the diabolical designs of Communist China.

It is only now, when Trump has been removed, that the gaze has turned to the WHO. The gaze should result in meaningful action, not just righteous indignatio­n.

India should have been among the nations challengin­g China and seeking a new WHO. It can still be.

Ravi Shanker Kapoor is a freelance journalist.

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