The Sunday Guardian

India most important ally and neighbour: Advisor to Sheikh Hasina


Tungipara to pay homage to Bangabandh­u. This is of great significan­ce, not only because he’s the first head of government who has gone to Bangabandh­u’s village, but also it is a very symbolic, heart-warming gesture for Bengalis to see the Indian Prime Minister laying a wreath in this manner.

Q: What are next steps in Indiabangl­adesh partnershi­p? A: India and Bangladesh have made remarkable progress in almost every facet of their economic life. We have cooperated in all areas including social, economic, security transit, transport and connectivi­ty. We have to move forward in a much more planned and strategic manner so that we can align our policies internatio­nally, and economical­ly we should promote developmen­t through strategic cooperatio­n, taking comparativ­e advantage of each other’s best resources.

We need to be more globally aligned on internatio­nal issues. Bangladesh will like to take advantage of India’s position. India has voice in tables and places we don’t reach so that our voice can be heard and we can play the role we hope to play.

Q: People often talk about special chemistry between PM Modi and PM Sheikh Hasina. How much has the Modi-hasina chemistry contribute­d to the upswing in India-bangladesh partnershi­p?

A: I’ve had the privilege of knowing Sheikh Hasina for as long as I can remember. She’s an amazingly warm, informal, genuine and sincere person. I don’t say this because I happen to be her advisor. There is something very unique and very special about her. She does not believe in protocols. She cannot be restrained by protocol. She went to the airport to receive Prime Minister Modi not because she felt she had to but because she felt, my neighbour is here, I want to welcome him. She has gone out of the way to personally select vegetarian dishes for PM Modi at the state banquet.

Q: Bangladesh’s growing strategic proximity to China has triggered concerns among the diplomatic-strategic community in India, especially after Dhaka signed BRI. Some suspect Bangladesh of using the China card to balance India. What’s your take on this issue? A: Let me be very categorica­l. India is our most important ally and neighbour. India is central to our security and our economic prosperity and political stability. We hope India feels about Bangladesh in the same way. This is not a relationsh­ip we are going to trifle with. India is an indispensa­ble partner of Bangladesh. But like every other country, we also are interested to promote our economy and to the extent that China can contribute to our infrastruc­ture developmen­t, we welcome Chinese involvemen­t.

The idea that we will play one against the other—india against China, or use the China card in a balancing act is completely outrageous. What is China’s interest and what is India’s interest? Both countries would like to see politicall­y stable and prosperous Bangladesh and everything that we do is to achieve that. We are animated by the vision of Bangabandh­u, “Friendship towards all, malice towards none”. And our foreign policy is driven by finding ways of how we can create Sonar Bangla.

Q: There were disturbing reports about violent anti-modi protests taking place ahead of PM Modi’s visit. These protests were apparently orchestrat­ed by Pakistan’s ISI. How do you look at Pakistan’s role in stoking these anti-modi protests and in stoking radicalism in Bangladesh?

A: If they have tried, they have failed. These people belong to the fringe of the fringe. It’s also important to remember that Bangladesh, like India, is a democracy, where the ability to protest is considered your constituti­onal right. We know that the vast majority—99.5% or more—welcomed PM Modi’s visit. This was a totally non-controvers­ial visit. Mr Modi had come to pay respect to our Father of the Nation.

Q: The rise of Islamism and Islamist “extremism” in Bangladesh has fuelled concerns in India and the region. Five years after the Holey Artisan Bakery terror attack, how do you look at the danger of Islamic radicaliza­tion?

A: When the Holey Artisan Bakery incident took place (in 2016), the whole of Bangladesh was shocked as this had never happened in our country before. It was so totally alien to Bangladesh. And in the western media, there were strong projection­s that Al Qaeda and the Islamic State were behind it. Well, I’m happy to say that since then we have curbed terrorism and continue to follow zero-tolerance policy towards terror.

And while we have assisted India, Indian intelligen­ce agencies have shared informatio­n with us. The agencies of the two sides have been engaged in training and counter-terror cooperatio­n.

It’s important to remember that Islam in Bangladesh is very different from Islam of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Our Islam is syncretic. We don’t exclude anybody. By and large, Bangladesh society is tolerant and syncretic. Hindus and Muslims live alike and celebrate each other’s festivals. Our villages are not Hindu villages, Muslim villages—they are mixed villages. In a few incidents that have happened, these are unfortunat­e and we dealt with them with plenty of force.

Manish Chand is Editor-inchief, India Writes Network and India and The World magazine.

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Gowher Rizvi.

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