The Sunday Guardian


The will to resist is fundamenta­l to victory over a foe, whether this be a country or a virus, and both were stripped away in the atmosphere of fear that descended on the world in 2020.


Athousand days will soon elapse since the discovery that SARS2, a virus made deadly by the joint effort of US money and Chinese researcher­s from 2016 onwards, escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan into the general population. This mishap was immediatel­y identified by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the beginning of a new era. The pre-covid era was over and the Covid era had begun. The impact of SARS-COV-2 (aka SARS2) has been marked by policy decision after Whoinspire­d decision getting taken in multiple countries that have brought the global economy to its knees. China appears to have weathered the storm better than almost all the major democracie­s. The WHO followed the line of Beijing and first downplayed SARS2, then warned that entire countries needed to be locked down, as otherwise the human race would suffer unimaginab­le catastroph­e. Even then, the recorded death rate from the novel coronaviru­s was way below that of several other major illnesses, with many fatalities caused by errors in treatment. The US and India, the two biggest democracie­s, took the WHO at its word and instituted lockdowns that were more comprehens­ive than any seen before. The record-shattering Great

Indian Lockdown in 2020 was the first time that over a billion people had been locked down and a country placed in suspended animation for the duration. The WHO relied heavily on inputs and suggestion­s from the PRC in asking countries to lock down completely or face horrible consequenc­es. Some “scientific” institutes such as a doomsayer health metrics producer in Seattle gave wild exaggerati­ons of possible deaths, causing fear and panic worldwide. Lancet followed, for a while, before changing course. There were indeed many deaths, some caused through errors in the mode of medical care administer­ed to SARS2 patients, others because the terror that gripped the human mind when confronted with a diagnosis of carrying the disease. A fear that reduced natural immunity and bred a sense of hopelessne­ss


This media-fuelled mass pathology of the mind assisted in stripping away the shreds of immunity and resistance still available in individual­s having numerous “co-morbiditie­s”. The will to resist is fundamenta­l to victory over a foe, whether this be a country or a virus, and both were stripped away in the atmosphere of fear that descended on the world in 2020 and which is fortunatel­y abating in most of the world, including in India. Several of those carrying the virus escaped detection as the laboratory­boosted virus left them as silently as it had come, with almost no symptoms. In early 2021, a fresh scare was created by the dire forecasts of “experts” that was magnified and disseminat­ed by a Covid-obsessed media about the Delta variant, for which India was initially blamed in Chinese media, as it was in this country that the mutation was first discovered. As yet the actual origins of such a mutation remain obscure. Where the Delta variant originated from is uncertain, except that it once again caused the Atlanticis­t countries to panic and en masse order lockdowns and vaccine mandates. The latter have in effect almost criminalis­ed a section of the public that is wary of vaccines that have come into the market at hypersonic speed, with little yet known about the aetiology of SARS2, or the long-term effects of the

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