The Sunday Guardian

Controvers­y surrounds China’s centre in Tibet


China’s recent inaugurati­on of a community consciousn­ess building research centre in Tibet has sparked controvers­y, with critics saying it is part of the Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to sinicize Tibetans in their own land. The Tibet Rights Collective has released a report claiming that the centre will promote CCP policies in the region, with a focus on promoting “community consciousn­ess” among Tibetans in line with China’s thoughts and beliefs.

According to the Tibet Rights Collective Report,

Tibetan religious figures are often blamed for the suppressio­n of Chinese rule in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR). In addition, a report by Freedom House’s Freedom in the World Index 2023 has ranked Tibet as the world’s least free country.

The CCP’S strict actions to sinicize Tibetans have instilled fear and a sense of scare among the Tibetan population, according to the report. Tibetans continue to be persecuted, molested, harassed, beaten, and tortured in their own territory, and monitoring of the population is becoming increasing­ly heavy.

The annexation and occupation

of Tibet by China is considered by some to be nothing more than a land grab. The region was annexed

during the late 1940s and has since been heavily monitored due to political sensitivit­y in the area.

The situation in Tibet is part of a wider issue of Chinese expansioni­sm, which has seen China annexing and occupying territorie­s that were once part of the Qing dynasty. This includes Manchuria, East Turkestan, Southern Mongolia, Hong Kong, and contested islands in the South China Sea, according to Voices Against Autocracy.

The controvers­y surroundin­g the community consciousn­ess building research centre in Tibet is likely to continue as critics argue that the CCP’S actions are further eroding the rights and freedoms of the Tibetan people.

 ?? ?? Chinese Nation Community Consciousn­ess Building Research Centre in Tibet.
Chinese Nation Community Consciousn­ess Building Research Centre in Tibet.

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