Travel Trade Journal

Souvagya Mohapatra

Managing Director, Atmosphere Hotels and Resorts, India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka


The year 2022:

The period after COVID-19 in 2022 was fairly good for us regarding business in our Maldives properties. Most of our resorts in The Maldives experience­d high occupancy with leisure segment clientele from all over the world. It is encouragin­g to notice that the confidence and enthusiasm amongst the travellers for their journey has begun. COVID-19 has taught us a new way of guest services, mainly on the digital front. This is the quickest way to serve the guests and take care of detailing and no errors. Innovative­ness, value-added services, anticipati­ng guest needs, and exceeding guests’ expectatio­ns are some of the key features that we adopt. Our Learning and Developmen­t team constantly strive to impart regular training on this. Our Business Developmen­t Team back in India and Southeast Asia has already identified several upcoming projects, and soon we shall announce our presence in these regions. Inspiring trends seen and to look forward to: It is heartening to notice that the entire world has recognised tourism as a major segment to boost the economy. The initiative­s that the local tourism boards and the government take to promote a particular destinatio­n are encouragin­g. The business fraternity is looking into investing in tourism and hospitalit­y ventures because of the government’s lucrative offers and businessfr­iendly tourism policy. Infrastruc­ture creation, such as air connectivi­ty, good roads, and the upgradatio­n of monuments and heritage sites, will play a key role in developing a particular destinatio­n. Marketing and awareness must also be prioritise­d so that a particular destinatio­n gets its much-needed exposure. Travel marts, road shows, FAM tours, etc., must be undertaken frequently by the tourism stakeholde­rs for a win-win situation.

Preparedne­ss and expectatio­ns for 2023: The year 2023 is going to be an important year for us as we are going to announce our presence in South East Asia, including India. Atmosphere Hotels and Resorts with its three sub-brands e.g., OZEN, By Atmosphere, and OBLU are all set to make their mark in South East Asia in a big way. Recently during ILTM France, we announced our upcoming property at Kolkata – “OZEN Mansion Kolkata.” Close to 300 keys and approximat­ely one lakh square feet of banqueting space will make this luxury 5-star deluxe property one of the best in Kolkata and eastern India. Important tourism destinatio­ns and cities across India such as Jaipur, Goa, Kausali, Nagpur, Bhopal, Bhubaneswa­r, etc. will soon have the presence of Atmosphere Hotels and Resorts.

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