Travel Trade Journal

Asif Fazlani

Managing Director, Fazlani Natures Nest


The year 2022: We learned during the pandemic that the new world we operate in requires a different approach, one that considers greater uncertaint­y. An approach that gives the confidence to enjoy yourself but not at the cost of your health. The year 2022 has been a very rewarding one for Fazlani Natures Nest. We did good occupancy throughout the year and were sold out during all weekends and long holidays. Located in the vicinity of Lonavala and close to the economical­ly important cities of Pune and Mumbai, we noticed a strong demand from corporate clients. The demand from the leisure segment was also overwhelmi­ng, considerin­g our property gives complete exposure to a natural haven.

Inspiring trends seen and to look forward to: Wellness was a strong reason for people to travel in 2022. The balance of mind and body has never been so focused like this before. “Health is Wealth’ is now people’s mantra. Guests appreciate­d our Farm-to-Fork approach. We ensure that the freshest, healthiest, and balanced meals are offered to the guest’s table, as wellness cuisine plays a significan­t role in assisting guests in achieving their intended goals. Wellness tourism will further gain popularity in the New Year. Treatments like Ayurveda and Naturopath­y will be sought after in 2023. Travellers are eager to spend their wellness holidays at resorts with beautiful natural settings like ours. Connecting with nature reduces stress and calms your nerves; hence, nature walks will be more popular in 2023.

Preparedne­ss and expectatio­ns for 2023: One of the biggest challenges in presenting health and self-care trends is structurin­g in a clear and workable way, and our simple natural therapies like walking barefoot on green grass, sitting under the shade of trees, touching horses, bird therapies, fishing, etc., increase the level of patience and calmness. We are ready to welcome domestic and internatio­nal tourists in 2023. The demand from domestic markets has been buoyant in 2022. If the pandemic situation remains under control in the New Year, I expect our resort to gain popularity in internatio­nal markets like Europe and the Middle East in 2023.

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