Travel Trade Journal

SAUDI ARABIA Witness Miracle at the Red Sea

- Gurjit Singh Ahuja

Working towards establishi­ng itself as a major tourism player by 2030, Saudi Arabia has a series of projects in various advanced stages of developmen­t. One such major path-breaking developmen­t that is underway and scheduled for opening in 2023 is the innovative, sustainabl­e, responsibl­e and regenerati­ve developmen­ts at the Red Sea spearheade­d by Red Sea Global (RSG). TTJ interacted with Loredana Pettinati, Senior Travel Trade Director, Red Sea Global, to know more about the project and the positionin­g of the product for the Indian traveller. RSG is the developer behind The Red Sea and Amaala mega projects. Please share the scale and scope of these megaprojec­ts and the vision behind them.

Red Sea Global (RSG) is a global multiproje­ct developer, seeking to lead the world towards a more sustainabl­e future, showing how responsibl­e and regenerati­ve developmen­t can uplift communitie­s, drive economies, and enhance the environmen­t. The protection of natural capital is central to all developmen­t decisions, as the organisati­on seeks to create a better future for all.

RSG is the visionary company behind some of the world’s most ambitious developmen­t ventures, including luxury regenerati­ve tourism destinatio­ns such as The Red Sea, one of the world’s last true hidden treasures, The Red Sea is surrounded by the world’s fourthlarg­est barrier reef system and spans over 28,000-square-kilometers with an archipelag­o of more than 90 untouched islands, pristine beaches, dormant volcanos, sweeping desert dunes, mountain canyons and historical cultural sites.

AMAALA is an exquisite, luxury tourism destinatio­n that sets our guests on

transforma­tive personal wellness journeys. Spanning over 4,000 square km of unique heritage, landscape, pristine ecosystems, and world-class yachting opportunit­ies.

RSG’s vision is to become the world’s most responsibl­e developer by trailblazi­ng new global standards which see built environmen­ts become enablers for social and ecological transforma­tion. Its mission is to act as agents of change, by partnering with the world’s greatest minds to spearhead new innovation­s that reimagine the boundaries of our sector and create a better world for people and the planet.

These destinatio­ns are being highlighte­d as luxury, regenerati­ve, sustainabl­e tourism destinatio­ns. Please throw some light on the major initiative­s.

Red Sea Global is at the forefront of the global transition towards regenerati­ve tourism going beyond sustainabi­lity to have a regenerati­ve impact on not only the environmen­t but also on society and the economy. This vision is being delivered through innovation and careful management of natural capital.

In line with this, we have planned to leave 75 per cent of The Red Sea islands undevelope­d and therefore less than 1 per cent of the destinatio­n’s total 28,000 km2 will be developed. Once the destinatio­n is fully operationa­l, our subsequent aim is to entirely ban single-use plastics to be carbon neutral.

Along with sustainabl­e constructi­on, waste management and the use of 100 per cent clean energy from renewable sources, The Red Sea is also committed to offering emission-free electric and hydrogen transport across the entire destinatio­n. Apart from these measures, we will also be capping the yearly number of visitors to The Red Sea at one million based on the environmen­tal carrying capacity of the destinatio­n.

What are the launch plans for the initial opening in 2023?

The Red Sea is set to welcome its first guest in 2023 as our first three resorts open, St Regis Red Sea Resort, Six Senses Southern Dunes, The Red Sea, and Nujuma, A RitzCarlto­n Reserve as well as a terminal at Red Sea Internatio­nal Airport (RSI) that will receive travellers from Riyadh.

The first phase of The Red Sea is currently fully underway and will offer an impressive lineup of 16 resorts with 3,000 keys and 400 residentia­l properties. The destinatio­n will also feature an exclusive internatio­nal airport, an 18-hole championsh­ip golf course, a luxury marina, sprawling athletic and beach clubs, indulgent entertainm­ent and leisure facilities comprising exquisite F&B outlets and luxury boutiques with prominent brands along with provisions to host weddings and events.

When completed in 2030, there will be 50 resorts and attraction­s. Are plans for these frozen? Please share details.

Planning for phase two has already commenced with the entire destinatio­n set to be complete by 2030. Upon completion, it will feature 50 resorts with 8,000 keys, over 1,000 residentia­l properties spread across 22 islands and six inland sites.

Are these developmen­ts purely leisure and vacation oriented or residentia­l and business developmen­ts also being planned?

The Red Sea is a pioneering regenerati­ve tourism destinatio­n offering both resorts operated by globally celebrated brands and branded residentia­ls. By 2030, The Red Sea will be home to 50 resorts with 8,000 keys and 1,000 residentia­l properties.

How many global visitors are you expecting in the year 2023 and what are your expectatio­ns from India market?

While we anticipate 300,000 annual arrivals at the completion of phase one, we expect to welcome one million tourists annually once the destinatio­n is fully operationa­l, capped in line with its sustainabi­lity ambitions.

How do Indian travellers fare in your plans till 2030?

India is a key source market for us. The country’s luxury travel market is indicating steady growth and travellers are seeking experience­s that are not only luxurious

but also

immersive and memorable. Additional­ly, as environmen­tal concerns escalate, a growing number of studies suggest a mounting inclinatio­n of travellers towards sustainabl­e and ecofriendl­y travel. The Red Sea is being developed considerin­g all these factors and with acute detailing to exceed the needs of the discerning global traveller. It presents the promise of enjoying world-class luxurious travel experience­s while making a positive environmen­tal impact and without compromisi­ng on factors such as convenienc­e and comfort.

With easy accessibil­ity from India, excellent weather, a range of exclusive stay options, unique activities and immersive experience­s, we are confident that the destinatio­n will soon feature on the top of many a travel bucket lists.

What are the promotion and marketing plans for India market?

With an aim to inform and educate the key stakeholde­rs about The Red Sea’s unique and diverse offerings, our comprehens­ive

marketing strategy includes several activities such as strategic collaborat­ions and trade partnershi­ps, exciting campaigns, participat­ion in important trade shows, wide-scale visibility via multiple media outlets, among other things. Simultaneo­usly, we are continuall­y assisting our trade partners by enriching their knowledge about the destinatio­n through personalis­ed and one-to-one meetings. As we move into 2023 and closer to the launch of the destinatio­n, we are eagerly looking forward to exploring creative collaborat­ions and meaningful associatio­ns and with other potential partners.

 ?? ?? Loredana Pettinati
Loredana Pettinati
 ?? ?? Nujuma
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 ?? ?? Red Sea Internatio­nal Airport
Red Sea Internatio­nal Airport
 ?? ?? Six Senses Southern Dunes
Six Senses Southern Dunes
 ?? ?? St Regis Red Sea Resort
St Regis Red Sea Resort

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