Travel Trade Journal

Tourism New Zealand

Gregg Wafelbakke­r General Manager, Asia, Tourism New Zealand


The year 2022: With the gradual re-opening of New Zealand borders this year, we are continuing efforts to build desire for destinatio­n New Zealand, to support and grow travel intent as we move towards recovery by driving arrivals into New Zealand. We have strengthen­ed our portfolio approach to ensure we can navigate any future global shocks and disruption­s. This means investing in core markets that have the most impact on New Zealand, which includes the domestic market, business events, core internatio­nal markets, and growing emerging markets like India.

Even before the internatio­nal borders fully re-opened in August 2022, Tourism New Zealand continued to engage with our Indian consumers through digital campaigns that helped keep the 100% Pure New Zealand brand alive. We also engaged with our travel partners and provided them with opportunit­ies to upskill through online training, social community engagement­s, and events. Our target audience in India predominan­tly consists of independen­t profession­als who are not just aware of New Zealand but are seriously considerin­g New Zealand for leisure and MICE travel. These people already have New Zealand on their top five-holiday destinatio­ns list. These high-quality visitors will contribute positively to our culture, environmen­t, economy, and communitie­s while they visit.

New Developmen­ts: We have new sustainabl­e stays like the Falcon Brae, a hotel that is committed to environmen­tal sustainabi­lity by not being connected to the national power grid, or Voco Auckland City, a hotel that is targeting a Level 3/Level 4 Green Engage certificat­e by implementi­ng several sustainabl­e initiative­s. Quite a few of our tourism operators such as Raglan Rock (Raglan), Eden Park (Auckland), Dive Tatapouri (Gisborne), and Mārahau tourism operators (Nelson Tasman) are providing trailblazi­ng transforma­tive, regenerati­ve travel experience­s throughout New Zealand through their eco-conscious offerings and giving back to their local regions. The industry is undertakin­g various initiative­s such as commitment to carbon zero, sustainabl­e experience­s, and the developmen­t of carbon-neutral travel itinerarie­s.

Preparedne­ss and expectatio­ns from India market in 2023: India is one of the priority emerging markets for Tourism New Zealand and is an important growth market. Our marketing strategy in India is to grow travel intent for New Zealand among our audience and support conversion­s through partnershi­ps. We will continue building desire for New Zealand by showcasing our warm and friendly people, stunning wildlife, delicious food, and wine offerings, among the many other jewels this country has.

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