Travel Trade Journal

Tourism Authority of Thailand

Isada Saovaros Director, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Mumbai


The year 2022: When Thailand decided to open its borders, it was strategica­lly planned by the authoritie­s to ensure the safety of tourists and locals. Travelling responsibl­y is highly important for Indian travellers, so we needed to ensure that all our strategies sync with the post-pandemic trends. Our aim was to maintain top-of-mind recall for Thailand.

We were and will be focusing on our 5 Fs- Films, Fashion, Fight (Muay Thai), and Festivals. We were in touch with trade partners and travel associatio­ns by organising the Amazing New Chapters of Amazing Thailand product presentati­on from February to March 2022. We organised Amazing Thailand: The Wedding Series for wedding planners in September-October 2021. For Media, we connected with them by using Thai Food in the theme of Amazing Thailand: The Kitchen Series. We organised FAM trips for travel agents, bloggers, media, and wedding planners. Weddings and MICE have been a very important segment for Thailand. While we continued to grab the attention of travellers across these buckets, we also promoted solo travelling. Our idea was to leave no stone unturned to attract more and more Indians to Thailand.

New Developmen­ts: Over the past few months, some new attraction­s, properties, and Michelin Star restaurant­s have opened up. The purpose is to enhance traveller’s experience in Thailand further. The latest additions to the Michelin Guide consist of five in One Michelin Star (4 newcomers – Baan Tepa, Hao ma, Maison Dunand, and Potong, and one promotion – Signature, previously a recommende­d entry), and 59 in the Bib Gourmand list (53 newcomers, and six promotions), together with preparedne­ss and expectatio­n from India market in 2023.

I believe 2023 will be a game-changer. We have been closely observing the trends and travellers’ preference­s. We aim to showcase Thailand as a destinatio­n that is not only apt for individual traveller’s but also adventure seekers, honeymoone­rs, and families. In the first quarter of 2023, we will primarily focus on showcasing the range of water sports available in Koh Tao, Khao Sok – Surat Thani, Phuket Krabi, etc. At the same time, we will continue to target families, honeymoone­rs, MICE, Weddings, and Individual segments. We have scheduled several activities to enhance our relationsh­ip with the trade and media partners. We are all ready to attract more and more Indians to Thailand.

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