Travel Trade Journal

Tourism Fiji

Kathy Koyamaibol­e Regional Director Asia and Pacific, Tourism Fiji


The year 2022: It has been a fantastic year for Fiji, post reopening of the border on December 01, 2022. Fiji has reached 92.1 per cent of visitor arrival levels in November 2022 compared to November 2019 with having welcomed 560,550 visitors to our shores from January to November. We, along with our stakeholde­rs, are constantly engaging to enhance further experience­s which will help Fiji gain more value for its tourism industry over time.

Our team in India has been very active in keeping the destinatio­n alive in the mindset of Indian agents and travellers. We started with our participat­ion at OTM India, announcing our re-opening and sharing informatio­n about the ease of travel to Fiji and new travel requiremen­ts. With borders open we had an aggressive action plan in place with a line-up of several Trade initiative­s like the launch of our new E-learning programme, the new MATAI specialist course for agents, and Consumer Campaigns, including our brand awareness campaign with Tripoto. We also hosted an influencer famil to build confidence in the destinatio­n and provide a first-hand experience of the health and safety protocols in place and exposure for our products. All in all, we were able to further our brand visibility and expand our reach in India.

Preparedne­ss and expectatio­ns from India market in 2023: Our key focus segments from India continued to be those of honeymoone­rs and couple travellers for 2022. However, this year we are also focusing a lot more on the family segment, high-end consumer groups, and niche segments of diving, golfing, and weddings.

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