Travel Trade Journal

South African Tourism

Neliswa Nkani Hub Head – MEISEA, South African Tourism


The year 2022: We started this year by outlining a strategic roadmap that helped us successful­ly garner a 64 per cent YoY increase in Indian visitors to South Africa. Our efforts to showcase the diversity and value propositio­n of destinatio­n South Africa have helped us surpass our annual target of attracting 33,910 Indian arrivals to South Africa. Our media, trade, and marketing efforts have helped us stay top-of-mind and excite Indian audiences. Interest and inquiries for destinatio­n South Africa, especially from Indian businesses and leisure travellers have multiplied since the start of our recovery campaign, More & More, which rolled out in the first quarter of 2022. In July, we announced the launch of an exclusive India airfare campaign in partnershi­p with Air

Seychelles to support our value-for-money propositio­n.

Preparedne­ss and expectatio­ns from India market in 2023: As we gear up for the new year, South African Tourism will continue to proactivel­y and meaningful­ly engage with its travel trade partners and tour operators to boost tourism and Indian visitor arrivals to South Africa. We will constantly communicat­e with key travel agents and tour operators through interactiv­e knowledge exchange webinars while conveying timely and focused destinatio­n updates. We plan to keep upskilling and reskilling the travel trade fraternity to identify synergies that help them sell South Africa in the best way possible to the new-age Indian consumer. We anticipate many footfalls from India as our travel trade partners already see an upswing in inquiries for destinatio­n South Africa. In collaborat­ion with our province partners, we are making conscious efforts towards promoting sustainabl­e and rural tourism to give back to the local communitie­s and economy. With highly customised and personalis­ed itinerarie­s, we are looking at mobilising niche communitie­s like biking groups, runners, and golfers.

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