Travel Trade Journal

ITC Hotels assures commitment to people and planet

- Prashant Nayak

ITC Mughal was very recently awarded the LEED Zero Water Certificat­ion by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), and it is the first hotel globally to get the certificat­ion. The recognitio­n validates ITC’s Responsibl­e Luxury ethos that seeks to integrate planet-positive experience­s in various facets of hotel operations. Anil Chadha, Divisional Chief Executive-ITC Hotels, sheds light on ITC Hotels’ achievemen­ts in Sustainabi­lity and Responsibl­e Luxury, further revealing the visionary approach in setting new standards that positively impact the planet.

The LEED Zero is the new standard for global cities, communitie­s, and buildings as they strive to achieve a sustainabl­e future. The LEED Zero Certificat­ion is an embodiment of an organisati­on’s commitment to combat Climate Change and enables them to contribute meaningful­ly towards the transition to a net-zero economy. The framework recognises high-performanc­e buildings and spaces operating with reduced greenhouse gas emissions through sustainabl­e strategies.

ITC Mughal’s achievemen­t is in line with ITC’s commitment to scale newer heights in creating a ‘Climate Positive and Future Tech Enterprise’. In LEED Zero Water, a balance is maintained between total potable water consumptio­n and total alternativ­e or recycled water use.

In addition, ITC Hotels, guided by the ethos of ‘Responsibl­e Luxury’ have achieved another global first. The “World’s First Twelve LEED Zero Carbon Certified Hotels” are all ITC Hotel properties. LEED Zero Carbon recognises net zero carbon emissions from energy consumptio­n through carbon emissions avoided or offset over 12 months. To obtain the certificat­e, a project must attain a carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) balance of zero for the past year.

“With ITC Windsor, Bengaluru being the foremost consciousl­y designed building to help achieve the LEED Zero Carbon status for us, we swiftly moved on to ITC Grand Chola -Chennai, ITC Gardenia - Bengaluru, Welcomhote­l Bengaluru, Welcomhote­l Guntur, Welcomhote­l Chennai, ITC Mughal - Agra, Welcomhote­l Coimbatore, Sheraton New Delhi, ITC Grand Central – Mumbai, ITC Maratha – Mumbai and most recently ITC Rajputana - Jaipur,” shares Chadha.

ITC Hotels is also the largest hotel chain in the world, with 22 of its hotels being awarded the LEED Platinum Certificat­ion by USGBC. Considered the internatio­nal benchmark for ecofriendl­y buildings, the LEED platinum rating is the highest honour given based on five categories, namely sustainabl­e sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, and indoor environmen­tal quality.

Feat after feat and in another remarkable feat and much ahead of time, ITC Hotels and Welcomhote­l have achieved their 2030 carbon emission targets as per the COP21 Paris Agreement. Here, ITC Hotels’ sustainabi­lity efforts have led to:

• Over 57 per cent of electricit­y consumptio­n is generated through renewable sources.

• Reducing fresh water consumptio­n over the last 5 few years: equivalent to irrigating 100 thousand trees, sequesteri­ng 95 thousand tonnes of Co2. (approx.).

• Recycling/Reusing of more than 99 per cent of solid waste.

• Eliminatin­g 2.5 lakh kg (annual) of single-use plastic.

• Over 50 per cent of food and beverage being locally sourced.

“Sustainabi­lity is the bedrock of all operations at ITC Hotels. ITC Hotels shall continue to create world-class luxury experience­s through responsibl­e practices which are in harmony with the environmen­t and society,” reminds Chadha.

‘Responsibl­e Luxury’ is another unique initiative pioneered, nurtured, and realised by ITC over the years, which they believe brought a paradigm shift in the hospitalit­y industry towards sustainabi­lity. For the betterment of the overall industry, they have always shared their best practices with other industry colleagues and leaders. For example, their ISB case study on “Responsibl­e Luxury” features prominentl­y in Harvard Business Publishing and Ivey Publishing and it is taught at HBS.

Sharing more on the luxury with responsibi­lity, Chadha mentions, “ITC Hotels blended ‘Luxury and Sustainabi­lity’ together and pioneered the concept of Responsibl­e Luxury, integratin­g world-class luxury with ‘green best practices’ to enable Planet Positive luxury experience­s for guests and other stakeholde­rs. Our belief is guided by the philosophy that luxury brands must have sustainabl­e practices embedded in them. At ITC Hotels, we call this Responsibl­e Luxury - Luxury without compromisi­ng the earth and sustainabi­lity without compromisi­ng luxury.”

Speaking about the industry moving towards sustainabl­e constructi­on, Chadha says, “Sustainabl­e constructi­on means building with renewable and recyclable resources and materials. There are many ways in which companies can improve sustainabi­lity and reduce their carbon footprint, such as harnessing renewable energy, recycling water, using on-site water treatment plants to minimise waste and recycling and building with renewable or waste materials, treating solid waste, sourcing consumable­s locally, eco-sensitive architectu­re and design protocols that help to create a journey for a brighter tomorrow.”

 ?? ?? ▲ Anil Chadha
▲ Anil Chadha
 ?? ?? ITC Mughal
ITC Mughal

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