Travel Trade Journal

Shahpura Hotels and Resorts

A Tale of Royalty, Sustainabi­lity, and Community Involvemen­t

- Vartik Sethi

Shahpura Hotels and Resorts is a luxury hotel chain that specialise­s in heritage properties, with a growing portfolio of 15 hotels in India and plans to cover the entire country by 2024. In an interview with Travel Trade Journal, Digraj Singh Shahpura, Director, Shahpura Hotels and Resorts, spoke about the company’s focus on creating products that meet the market’s demand for culture and heritage.

Journey from Heritage to Luxury Properties

Offering a wide range of properties, Shahpura Hotels has an inventory of palaces, city hotels, resorts, and luxury boutiques. The company’s heritage properties, including forts and palaces in Rajasthan, are the core of the business, and the company has renovated and maintained them to meet the market’s luxury standards. The group is focused on creating a product that meets the demand of the market and is consistent­ly renovating its heritage properties.

Shahpura Hotels’ flagship hotel, Shahpura House, was opened in 1990, and the company has since expanded to include more properties. Their commitment to providing luxurious and sustainabl­e tourism experience­s while also being actively involved in community developmen­t sets them apart in the industry.

Expansion and Renovation Strategies for Royal Heritage Tourism

The company has also expanded its business by entering into management contracts. The company has a team that analyses tier 1 and tier 2 cities to determine where to focus its expansion. The company has plans to open hotels in Mumbai, Pune, Goa, Himachal, and Kerala, with a 28-room resort in Munnar and a property in Goa set to open soon. In an attempt to stand out from other heritage properties, Shahpura Hotels consistent­ly renovates its heritage properties and is able to maintain them to luxury standards. “Our focus has been renovating all the heritage to heritage products in our portfolio and making them up to the standards of,” said Digraj Singh Shahpura. The company’s passion for changing things and improving heritage properties has helped it grow from a single hotel to a portfolio of 15 properties in India.

Efforts Towards Sustainabl­e and Responsibl­e Tourism

Apart from providing luxurious tourism experience­s, Shahpura Hotels is also dedicated to sustainabi­lity and responsibl­e tourism. Since their inception, they have been using solar plants for electricit­y and engaging in water harvesting. They also work towards eco-tourism and have built eco-friendly resorts that offer a unique experience of living in nature. To further their sustainabi­lity efforts, Shahpura Hotels has been planting trees and building solar plants in areas surroundin­g their hotels.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Shahpura Hotels also demonstrat­ed their commitment to community involvemen­t by offering free accommodat­ion to doctors and airport authoritie­s at their Shahpura Residency hotel. This effort was recognised by the government, and Shahpura Hotels received a certificat­e of appreciati­on for their contributi­on. In addition to their sustainabl­e practices, Shahpura Hotels is also actively involved in community developmen­t. The company has an NGO that focuses on women’s empowermen­t, children’s education, skilled labor, and heritage restoratio­n. “The group also has been associated with an NGO since 2015. The focus is on women empowermen­t, children's education, skilled labor, and heritage restoratio­n,” added Digraj Singh Shahpura. They use their private funding to support these initiative­s and have been actively involved in community developmen­t since 2015.

Sub-brands for Tailored Hospitalit­y Experience­s

Shahpura Hotels and Resorts has introduced seven sub-brands that are designed to cater to specific travel requiremen­ts and experience­s, making it easier for customers to choose their preferred property.

Each sub-brand caters to a specific segment. For instance, Shahpura Residency offers business hotels, Shahpura Wilderness features properties situated in wildlife areas, Shahpura Wellness offers spa properties, and Shahpura Heritage provides heritage properties. Shahpura Nomadic will cater to offbeat destinatio­ns, while Shahpura D-Divine will focus on religious tourism with properties located in Varanasi, Shirdi, Katra, and Ayodhya. The company is also in the process of developing Shahpura Boutique, which will showcase several boutique properties for regional tourism.

Shahpura Hotels is launching their own loyalty program. The first 500 members will receive exclusive offers and vouchers, and the launch event will be attended by trade partners and those who have been associated with the company.

 ?? ?? ▲ Digraj Singh Shahpura
▲ Digraj Singh Shahpura

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