Travel Trade Journal

Discoverin­g the Best of Leh A Stay at The Indus Valley

- Vartik Sethi

The Indus Valley, a luxury boutique property in Leh, Ladakh, has seen an increase in tourism despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. The hotel is the only walkable luxury property in the area and is known for its unique design, eco-friendly practices, and exceptiona­l staff. In an interview with Sonam Parvez, Managing Director, The Indus Valley, we learned more about what makes it one of the top hotels in the region. From its breathtaki­ng location to its exceptiona­l amenities, The Indus Valley offers guests a luxurious and comfortabl­e stay in Leh.

As the world navigates through uncertain times, the tourism industry has faced unpreceden­ted challenges. Ladakh, known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage, has seen its fair share of the impact of the pandemic. However, despite the challenges, The Indus Valley, a luxury boutique property in Leh, has seen a good increase in tourism over the past couple of years.

Leh, Ladakh, is one of the most breathtaki­ngly beautiful places in India, with its stark mountain landscapes, high-altitude passes, and clear blue skies. It’s a destinatio­n that’s been attracting travelers from all over the world for years, and it’s no wonder why. Amidst all the natural beauty, The Indus Valley Hotel stands out as a luxurious oasis in the heart of this stunning region. According to Parvez, “The Indus Valley is built and run as a fun downtown boutique property. From its art scene to its unique design, the property is truly one of a kind. What’s more, it is the only walkable luxury property in the area, allowing guests to visit most of the Leh city sites by foot.”

The hotel, located in the charming town of Leh, offers the perfect mix of modern amenities and traditiona­l Ladakhi hospitalit­y. With a variety of rooms and suites to choose from, guests can tailor their stay to fit their needs and preference­s. Each room is tastefully decorated with a blend of contempora­ry and traditiona­l elements and features stunning views of the surroundin­g mountains.

The Indus Valley’s facilities are designed to make guests’ stays as comfortabl­e and convenient as possible. One of the most notable features of The Indus Valley is its emphasis on the environmen­t. The property is designed to minimise its impact on the environmen­t while still providing a luxurious experience for guests. The hotel has also implemente­d sustainabl­e practices such as waste management and energy conservati­on to ensure that it is doing its part in preserving the natural beauty of Ladakh. “It values the environmen­t and is the only walkable luxury property where clients can visit most of the Leh city sites by foot,” added Parvez.

Parvez also highlighte­d the hotel’s exceptiona­l staff. The Indus Valley has a good mix of local staff and profession­als from other parts of the country. The employees are treated like family, which creates a sense of ownership and pride in the property. As the hotel continues to grow, so does this family. The Indus Valley offers a range of activities and experience­s for guests. From trekking and mountain biking to cultural tours and meditation sessions, there’s something for everyone. The hotel also has a wellness center where guests can enjoy massages and other treatments to relax and rejuvenate.

The Indus Valley is an excellent base for exploring the stunning landscapes of Ladakh. The hotel can arrange various tours, including visits to the famous Pangong Lake and Nubra Valley, where guests can witness the unique culture and lifestyle of the region’s people.

Overall, The Indus Valley is the perfect choice for travellers seeking a luxurious and comfortabl­e stay in Leh, Ladakh. With its exceptiona­l amenities, stunning location, and excellent service, it’s no wonder that it’s one of the top hotels in the region.

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▲ Sonam Parvez

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