Travel Trade Journal

RDTM-2023 to focus on Sustainabi­lity as its theme

- Gurjit Singh Ahuja

The third edition of Rajasthan Domestic Travel Mart (RDTM) will be held from July 14 -16, 2023, at the Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. The announceme­nt to the effect was recently made by the Tourism Minister of Rajasthan, Vishvendra Singh, at a meeting with a delegation of the Federation of Hospitalit­y and Tourism (FHTR).

The last edition of RDTM, held in 2022 in Jaipur, was the first major event post-COVID and was a tremendous success. The 2023 edition is projected to be even bigger. The delegation was led by FHTR Apurv Kumar, President and also present were Bhim Singh, Chief Patron-Rajasthan Associatio­n of Tour Operators (RATO), Randhir Vikram Singh, President, Indian Heritage Hotels Associatio­n, Mohan Singh Merta, Secretary General, FHTR, Khalid Khan, Vice President, FHTR, Mahendra Singh Rathore, President, RATO and Kuldeep Singh Chandela, President, Restaurant Associatio­n of Rajasthan.

Mohan Singh, Secretary General, FHTR

The third edition of RDTM will be on domestic tour operators who have supported us during difficult times of COVID and also on Sustainabl­e Tourism for the future with the collaborat­ion of the Government of India and the Government of Rajasthan. RDTM will also serve as a launch platform for new Startups. We are looking at 250-270 fully hosted domestic buyers to attend and transact future business with exhibitors during this RDTM.

Randhir Vikaram Singh, President, Indian Heritage Hotels Associatio­n (IHHA)

As IHHA, we are a part and parcel of the core team of RDTM. Domestic Travel came as a saviour during the COVID times and has now establishe­d itself as a key component of the business mix that includes inbound, weddings, conference­s, and events. The focus at RDTM 2023 is solely on this segment that has been promoting or can promote domestic tourism business flow to Rajasthan.

Khalid Khan, Vice President, FHTR

The 2023 edition of RDTM will have approximat­ely 200 exhibitors from across Rajasthan. We are expecting about 12,000 business meetings to be conducted between the buyers and sellers over 2 days of the mart. Fully hosted buyers will have the opportunit­y to experience the best of hotels and hospitalit­y that Rajasthan offers.

Mahendra Singh, President, Rajasthan Associatio­n of Tour Operators (RATO)

Promoting Rajasthan as a destinatio­n to more domestic tour operators is our major agenda this year so that more and more domestic tourists visit and explore the historical, cultural, and natural wonders of Rajasthan. New Wildlife conservati­on reserves have been announced in Rajasthan, Jhalana near Jaipur is another great opportunit­y to view the Leopard in the wilderness, and RDTM is a great opportunit­y to promote them to our Domestic Travel market.

Tarun Bansal, Treasurer, FHTR

There will be a cross-spectrum of exhibitors at RDTM 2023, including 7-star hotels, heritage hotels, boutique hotels, smaller properties, tour operators, attraction­s, and experience­s. The entire focus is to highlight unique travel products of Rajasthan to tour operators who will be fully hosted and invited from all over India.

 ?? ?? ▲ Randhir Vikram Singh
▲ Randhir Vikram Singh
 ?? ?? ▲ Mahendra Singh
▲ Mahendra Singh
 ?? ?? ▲ Mohan Singh
▲ Mohan Singh
 ?? ?? ▲ Khalid khan
▲ Khalid khan

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