TravTalk - India

Enabling technology

- Technology in improving guest experience

At Marriott, through technology and systems, we have created an integrated platform that monitors and tracks what guests have to share of their experience on any of the social networking sites.

Earlier technology was perceived simply as an enabler to carry out the business, but today we understand the real benefit of technology that is to enhance the whole guest experience—the entertainm­ent, the comfort, the extent to which we can do so much to personalis­e and enhance the guest’s experience. The advent of smartphone­s has helped a great deal in making travel easy and smart. Right from choosing the destinatio­n to travel to, to booking a room at a hotel and reading its reviews can now be done via a swipe. The Marriott website is now designed as a mobile app compatible with all smartphone­s so that a traveller can book his stay while on the go.

Virtual concierge service again is a technology powered process, wherein guests can share their special requiremen­ts and preference­s such as feather-free pillows, extra towels & amenities, itinerary for a city tour, etc. with our hotels prior to their arrival. This helps us in creating bespoke experience­s for our guest.

Technology has also become instrument­al in developing green practices as there is an increase in the number of environmen­tally conscious travellers. Today we have corporates and independen­t travellers asking hotels of the measures they take to pre- serve the environmen­t and this has become a deciding factor for those who keenly seek to reduce their carbon foot print. ‘Spirit to Preserve’ is part of the Marriott’s brand ethos, where emphasis is laid on creating innovative green practices that make the hotel more ecofriendl­y and enables guests to travel responsibl­y.

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