TravTalk - India

Tourism for all!


With tourism being one of the most important economic tools for our government, sustainabl­e tourism takes on a new urgency. Not only will the communitie­s around our safari trails benefit greatly with the inflow of travellers, wildlife conservati­on will also get a boost simultaneo­usly. It is important for the states to help these travellers make the right choices, which will make a difference to the communitie­s while giving them a wonderful experience.

Security is a huge challenge in many popular destinatio­ns, but studies show that the effect of even terror attacks is mostly short term. For the past five years, tourism has been steadily growing on a global level, in spite of political turmoil and terror attacks. Even in 2015, according to UNWTO, tourism worldwide grew by 4.4 per cent, with 1.2 billion tourists travelling to foreign countries.

So, if we get the support of the government as promised, we should have a positive outlook for 2016!

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