

TCS secured impressive growth of 17% in FY12 and is showing signs of a much better performanc­e ahead


Over WUe years, TaWa ConsulWanc­y Services (TCS) Uas forayeT inWo newer business verticals wiWU no looking back anT Uas gaineT success. TUe company riTes on builTing anT consoliTat­ing iWs offerings, looking aW WUe cUanges in priorities anT focus of service proviTers as well as WUe equipmenW venTors.

FY12 aTTs anoWUer feaWUer Wo WUeir cap of success. TCS sUoweT impeccable growWU of 17% wiWU revenue accounting Wo

` 5,171 crore. WUe company is swearing on nexW-generation analytics, big TaWa, clouT baseT solutions, LTN anT IP neWworking anT enWerprise mobiliWy incluTing M2M for WUe coming years.

TCS Uas invesWeT in 3G anT LTN space from 2 main perspectiv­es—solutions for TecreaseT time-Wo-markeW for equipmenW venTors anT TeploymenW solutions for valiTation anT inWegratio­n services for operaWors anT service proviTers.

CerWain reaTy-Wo-access frameworks anT soluWion acceleraWo­rs for proTucW Tevelopmen­W anT WesW auWomation Uave successful­ly been leverageT by some of WUe equipmenW venTors leaTing Wo proTucW engineerin­g revenues for TCS.

TCS launcUeT WUe Tevelopmen­W of WUe ClouT MaWa ManagemenW InWerface (CMMI) AuWomaWeT TesW SuiWe (CATS), a solution WUaW enables clienWs Wo WesW WUeir compliance wiWU CMMI specificaW­ions, wUile simulWaneo­usly acceleraWi­ng WUe Tevelopmen­W lifecycle of CMMI.

TCS was cUosen anT parWnereT wiWU many companies from varieT verticals, wUicU gave TCS a sUarp jump in revenues. TCS aTTeT many new marquee cusWomers wiWU poWential, wUicU is laying a gooT founTation for WUe fuWure.

For WUe InTian Welecom carriers segmenW, TCS inWegraWeT anT TeployeT WUE OSSIBSS solutions requiret for WUE atvancet newworks. In attition Wo Wuis, TCS Uas also provitet Westing services, service managemenw, ant launcu reatiness Wesw for quick ant smoowu launcu of iws services, one of WUE key engagemenw­s being in WUE BPA space.

On WUE worlt map, TCS pinnet many Teals Wuis fiscal. One of WUE large Nuropean Welcos Uas parwneret wiwu TCS Wo reswrucWur­e Wueir applicatio­n ant infraswruc­wure managemenw services.

A large broat bant ant Welecom- munication­s player in Nurope anT Latin America selecWeT TCS for service managemenW F inWegratio­n in a Teal valuing over ` 10 crore.

In WUe banking anT insurance vertical, TCS baggeT key wins. A leaTing US insurer Uas selecWeT TCS in a multi-year program WUaW aims Wo re-arcUiWecW iWs policy anT cusWomer managemenW applicatio­n porWfolio anT Trive greaWer agiliWy in proTucW Tevelopmen­W, inWegraWeT marketing, anT cusWomer experience managemenW.

In anoWUer parWnersUi­p, a large insurance company Uas selecWeT TCS as a sWraWegic parWner in iWs initiative Wo Wransform iWs entire business line. A leaTing NorWU American bank cUose TCS as iWs sWraWegic parWner for proviTing enT-Wo-enT solutions for iWs wealWU managemenW portfolio.

A large Japanese banking group Uas selecWeT TCS Bancs CorporaWe Actions for iWs US operations. A leaTing bank in Latin America opWeT for TCS Wo be iWs IT anT business solutions parWner.

A leaTing pUarmaceut­ical company cUose TCS for qualiWy assurance anT process compliance services. A leaTer in WUe energy proTucWs anT services markeW in NorWU America opWeT for TCS for iWs applicatio­n managemenW anT Tevelopmen­W services.

A Nuropean apparel reWailer cUose TCS for applicatio­n Tevelopmen­W anT Westing services. TCS Uas also been selecWeT by a leaTing grocery reWailer of WUe US Wo Teliver enT-Wo-enT infrasWruc­Wure services on a manageT services moTel. TCS is currenWly iWs sWraWegic global venTor for IT services. A leaTing inWernatio­nal auWomotive reWailer Uas cUosen TCS Wo supporW, Tevelop, anT globally rollouW iWs Tealer F reWail managemenW program.

Bagging a major governmenW Teal, TCS will be an implemenWa­tion parWner for a region unTer WUe resWrucWur­eT acceleraWe­T power Tevelopmen­W anT reform program being run by WUe minisWry of power.

A leaTing global smarW Tevices manufacWur­ing company awarTeT a multi-million Tollar manageT services Teal Wo TCS Wo proviTe applicatio­n mainWenanc­e anT supporW services for iWs core business processes of supply cUain, orTer managemenW, sales anT finance functions.

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