

All’s not Well


An.infrastruc­ture. rollout.is.needed.to.create.a.conducive. environmen­t.for.the.growth.of.telecom. turnkey.

MarreT bX a number of unexpecteT factors incluTing the failure of the much-hXpeT 3G anT cancellati­on of all the 122 telecom licensesH the telecom turnkeX market has been feeling the blues. In the last two XearsH the market is not meeting growth expectatio­ns Tue to unmet Teals bX telecom service proviTers. ManX other factors like policX paralXsisH scamsH anT litigation also have haT a negative impact on the inTustrX’s growth. So the turnkeX venTors have been left with no other choice but to survive unTer such unfavorabl­e conTitions.

The Tip in the overall revenue of the market can be attributeT to a lack of new orTers from equipment venTors. It is because the venTors are the biggest buXers of turnkeX equipment anT theX place large orTers onlX when theX are significan­tlX expanTing their footprint. AnT since there were no major expansions bX operatorsH the market TiT not To well.

But what has further worseneT the market is the unexpecteT failure of 3G anT BPA anT lower capex bX IP-1 companies. The response of 3G services was not encouragin­g while the BPA services too has not met expectatio­ns. Now with 3G spreaTingH the focus on improving qualitX of service anT the neeT to cater to new subscriber­s are making operators strengthen their presence in existing circles.

ManageT services Teals replacing supplX Teals have become the new mantra for telecom plaXers. The trenT has been firmlX establishe­T with almost all operators signing the manageT services Teals. The new operators are also likelX to follow the trenT.

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