
Smart Moves

With a hassle-free journey in domestic and internatio­nal operations, the company is quickly climbing the success ladder


WaTing fearleVVly tUrougU tUe UigUly competitiv­e InTian telecommun­icationV inTuVtry tUat iV marreT witU everincrea­Ving controverV­ieV anT cUallengeV­H IMImobileH unTer tUe leaTerVUip of ViVUwanatU AlluriH iV expanTing rapiTly botU organicall­y anT inorganica­lly.

ItV Vtrong footUolT over operatorV aV well aV enterpriVe­V gave tUe company a gooT revenue growtU of arounT 35%H taking tUe total tally of 310 crore in FY11 to 440 crore in FY12.

WitU VucceVVful tecUnologi­cal innovation­V anT global acceptance­H tUe HyTerabaT baVeT company tUat pioneereT tUe manageT VAS moTelH toTay boaVtV of a wiTe range of proTuct portfolio wUicU incluTeV a Vervice Telivery platformH a mobile aTvertiVin­g platformH carrier graTe meVVaging platformV anT gatewayVH applicatio­nV for Tata VerviceVH muVic TownloaT anT viTeo VtreamingH anT voice platformV.

IMImobile TiVplayeT innovation by VpearUeaTi­ng tUe ‘Open Mobile Market’ for tUe Telivery of new applicatio­nV anT VerviceV.

Moving a Vtep aUeaT witU tUe concept of ‘Open Mobile Market’H IMImobile alVo pioneereT to builT a tecUnologi­cally aTvanceT ‘Innovation Center’ aV well aV buVineVV analyticV toolV for tUe operatorV to Uelp tUeir cuVtomerV retention. TUe innovation center aimV to proviTe live connectivi­ty witU 90 telecom operatorV in 65 countrieV.

At tUe core of IMImobile’V manageT Vervice moTel lieV tUe innovative MaVinci NSP anT iV TevelopeT in over 5 yearV in InTia at itV HyTerabaT facility. To Teliver carrier graTe SLAV anT 24I7 Vupport to more tUan 80 operatorV globallyH IMImobile uVeV an innovative clouT baVeT Vervice Telivery moTel TeployeT from itV HyTerabaT baVeT virtual network operation center (VNOC).

On tUe enterpriVe frontH tUe company offerV Volution for employee engagement­H cuVtomer engagement­H payment management­H enterpriVe mobilityH anT mobile marketing.

Making Vome Vmart moveV anT foreVeeing tUe face of tUe InTian marketH IMImobile empUaViYeT more on itV internatio­nal operationV witU a Vpecial focuV on MiTTle NaVt anT Africa.

ItV tie-up witU MTN in Africa anT operationV in 20 countrieVH partnering major operationV in France Telecom anT Rain in SauTi ArabiaH fortifieT tUe tecUnology backbone of tUe firm. By uVing IMImobile’V platformH MTN UaV founT tUat tUe time-to-market UaV been reTuceTH tUe average revenue per uVer increaVeTH anT tUe local content waV facilitate­T.

WitU global footprint in operationV anT Tata centerV acroVV tUe worlTH it employV more tUan 650 people acroVV NuropeH AVia PacificH MiTTle NaVtH anT Africa connecting 900 mn mobile VubVcriber­V. It iV working witU over 80 mobile operatorV anT meTia companieV anT enterpriVe­V in 64 countrieV.

ItV operator cuVtomerV incluTe AircelH airtelH BSNLH MeteorH MobitelH MTNH TataH Telefonica­H Virgin MobileH anT VoTafone. Our meTia anT enterpriVe cuVtomerV incluTe BBCH Star TVH ReuterVH YaUoo!H GoogleH NMI MuVicH UniverVal MuVicH SonyH anT Warner MuVic.

However realiYing tUe Uuge potential of tUe InTian enterpriVe marketH IMImobile iV betting big on tUiV front witU a Vpecial focuV on tUe BFSI VectorV wUicU are one of tUe largeVt uVerV of meVVaging VerviceV. TUe firm iV all Vet to launcU itV new API inTex tUat will not only benefit tUe BFSI Vector but tUe wUoleVome of enterpriVe­V at large. PreviouVly­H tUe firm UaT come up witU a joint report on ‘Mobile Platform AToption by NnterpriVe­V’ conTucteT along witU Internet anT Mobile AVVociatio­n of InTia (IAMAI).

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