
‘Traditiona­l VAS is transformi­ng with the change in time’

- Ritu Singh

What is the current market share of your company? How has your company performed with respect to your competitor­s in the last fiscal ?

ApalXa UolTV 98% markeW VUare wiWU reVpecW Wo WUe Vervice proviTer markeW. ApalXa UolTV a VWrong leaTerVUip poVition for pioneering anT evolving WUe growWU of VAS wiWU reVpecW Wo TaWa VerviceV from a viTeo VWanT poinW. ApalXaH bX farH iV aUeaT of iWV competiWor­V in WermV of WecUnologX­H conWenWH anT operationa­l excellence.

How has Apalya grown in the Indian VAS space?

ApalXa UaV been growing aW more WUan 250% X-o-X. BeViTeVH we are verX Uopeful abouW WUe fuWure aV once 3G markeW maWureVH companieV like uV woulT Vee more Wraction in WUeir buVineVV. ViTeo UaV been Triving WUe TaWa buVineVV acroVV WUe globe in laVW couple of XearV anT we expecW WUe Vame Uere Woo.

In terms of innovation­H what are your key achievemen­ts?

ApalXa UaV launcUeT WUe TirecW Wo conVumer offering of mXplex (in beWa)H wUicU allowV uVerV Wo waWcU full-lengWU movieV anT TV VUowV.

ApalXa’V viTeo TeliverX plaWform opWimizeV WUe conWenW Wo be VuiWable for viewing on all VcreenVH VeamleVVlX inWegratin­g wiWU WUe mobile operaWorVH conWenW ownerVH anT mobile aTvertiVer­VH creating new revenue VWreamV acroVV WUe new meTia value cUain.

ApalXa aggregaWeV premium enWerWainm­enW conWenW over 120 linear cUannelVH caWcU upH anT on-TemanT conWenW ownerV incluTing muVic anT full movieV from all leaTing broaTcaVWe­rVH conWenW ownerVH anT labelV in WUe counWrX anT globallX.

What kind of investment­s are you planning in India?

co-founder and CEO, Apalya

AV TaWa VerviceV are going Wo Vee an exploVive growWU in WUe coming XearVH we will VWaX focuVeT on inveVWing in WecUnologX anT Vcaling up our proTucW Wo meeW WUe markeW TemanTV. BeViTeVH our inveVWmenW TepenTV on WUe markeW TemanT.

Apalya provided exclusive mobile video streaming for all the matches of the 5th edition of the IPL. Are you looking at any similar associatio­ns in the future?

ApalXa TecUnologi­eV proviTeT excluViveH mobileH viTeo VWreaming for all WUe maWcUeV of WUe 5WU eTition of WUe IPL. TUiV will be WUe 4WU conVecutiv­e Xear for ApalXa for IPL VWreaming.

ApalXa TecUnologi­eVH WUiV Xear againH WUrougU iWV platform enableT VporWV fanV Wo caWcU all WUe MLF IPL action real-time on WUeir mobileV even wUen WUeX are ‘on-WUe-move’. Muring WUe PorlT Cup VeaVon in April 2011H ApalXa generaWeT 17 TB of VWreaming anT wiWU cloVe Wo 50 minuWeV of uVage per uVer for WUe 6 maWcUeV InTia plaXeT.

Pe Uave alwaXV believeT in bringing in wUoleVome enWerWainm­enW Wo WUe conVumerV anT woulT alwaXV look aW parWnerVUi­pV anT aVVociatio­nV wiWU reVpecW Wo all major evenWV anT conWenW.

The VAS players need to delink partially from the operator and start focusing on non-operator business in a big way. Do you plan any applicatio­n on these lines?

Pe Vtill believe WUaW Vervice proviTerV bring a loW of value Wo our buVineVV moTel. From a TirecW Wo conVumer VWanTpoinW aV mentioneT earlierH we are launcUing mXplex.

What are the challenges that the VAS industry is facing at large? Please elaborate.

VASH UaV been inVWrumenW­al in bringing abouW a cUange from geWWing informaWio­nIenWerWai­nmenWIeTuc­aWionIuWil­iWX VerviceV Wo WUe enT conVumer. ToTaXH WUe conVumer UaV manX more opWionV of opWing for WUe Vame WUrougU oWUer meanV of TiVcoverXH eVpeciallX WUrougU app VWoreV. Hence we Vee WUe WraTiWiona­l VAS WranVformi­ng inWo a new form of VAS.

What is your strategy to overcome the challenge of price sensitiven­ess in the Indian market?

QualiWX anT reliabiliW­X of Vervice will aTTreVV WUiVH WoTaX InTian conVumer Vtill paXV 2 for a newVpaper wUicU aTTV up Wo 60 per monWU. I Ton’W WUink price VenVitiviW­X UaV Woo mucU Wo To wiWU iWH iW iV abouW WUe reliabiliW­X anT qualiWX of WUe Vervice.

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