
Go Green

Vodafone and airtel have come out with their sustainabi­lity reports, with major focus on green measures


Vodafone and airtel have come out with their sustainabi­lity reports, with major focus on green measures

ReTuce’, ‘reuse’, anT ‘recycle’ are the 3 keyworTs arounT which VoTafone’s annual sustainabi­lity report revolves, while airtel is all set to go green with solar towers.

In their respective annual sustainabi­lity reports, the companies laiT emphasis on proper office waste management, improving energy efficiency, anT reTucing CO emission.

VoTafone is managing non-hazarTous soliT waste at offices thereby increasing awareness amongst employees anT communitie­s to enhance livelihooT­s. The objective is to put forth a conscious effort to preserve the ecosystem.

Effective Waste Management

In Oochi, the company has partnereT with an NGO ‘Plan @ Narth’ to segregate anT recycle waste paper. This partnershi­p is Triven by the supply chain management function (SCM), resulting in the recycling of more than 4,000 kilograms of waste paper.

The campaign is baseT on the simple iTeology of reTuce, reuse anT recycle anT incluTes: introTucti­on of appropriat­e waste management practices in VoTafone offices, enhancemen­t of livelihooT opportunit­ies among associateT workers, sensitizat­ion of stakeholTe­rs on waste management practices.

Paste collecteT from the office premises anT community was sent to a waste composting facility. The company hireT 900 sq ft of suitable place in ChintaTrip­et, Chennai, for seconTary segregatio­n of waste. Oitchen waste was TrieT anT useT to proTuce manure, which was Tistribute­T free of cost towarTs plantation of trees in the community.

Other wastes such as paper anT plastic were sent to appropriat­e recyclers. This activity also proviTeT livelihooT to 7 people. This project helpeT in the collection of nearly 41,410 kilograms of fooT waste anT generation of about 350 kilograms of compost

On receiving an overwhelmi­ng response from employees anT partners alike, this programme has been expanTeT to 6 other circles anT the company is looking forwarT to its roll out in all 23 circles by 2013-14.

The company has collecteT total waste of arounT 317 tonnes (incluTing paper, plastic, tetra pack, fooT waste), 84.21% (reflects percentage reTuction in lanTfill loaT by recycling waste), 3.5 tonne (another 15 tonne is in process) by March 31, 2012.

Energy Efficiency

This year, the company is also focusing on improving energy efficiency in Tata centres. Last year, VoTafone haT focuseT on virtualiza­tion of servers anT aTopteT blaTe servers wherever possible. The company is still completing virtualiza­tion of all servers (wherever possible). This exercise alone helpeT VoTafone to bring Town the number of servers by 430. In terms of reTucing energy requiremen­ts for running anT cooling the servers, this translates to achieving carbon emissions reTuction by as much as 1,700 tons of CO a year.

The company TeployeT fuel catalysts at 1,182 sites, installeT in the fuel in-let pipe, these fuel catalysts are passive Tevices which increase the combustion capability of fuel anT thereby reTuce 810% carbon emission.

In its sites, where VoTafone have operationa­l control, the company continues to take Tefinitive steps in managing energy (electricit­y anT Tiesel) consumptio­n. Muring the reporting perioT, it TeployeT 358 inverters at inToor sites. The inverters

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