
‘India to see advancemen­t of LTE meaningful­ly in 2015’


Claudio Frascoli has worked with the Nokia group since 1998 and he is currently dedicated to the Operator Business Strategies ! " # " " $ $ $ % & & # '( " ) * + " !

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What is the roadmap and deployment of LTE around the world and in India? How is Nokia’s LTE momentum globally?

Claudio Frascoli:

Nokia has gained sig We have a very strong LTE momentum ! "#$ %& "#$ ' ( ( ) * ) +, . /) 0 "#$ & ! "#$ 1 ) 2 ) ) 0 & ! "#$3 4"#$3 5 2 "#$ higher user data rates and more network )


6 ( ) 0 operators with the right deployment strategy?

Claudio Frascoli :

Nokia is working with hundreds of operators worldwide and ) "#$ 7 ) ) # /) ) 8 ) understand­ing of what strategies have worked and )


How many /) implement in India in the 9

Claudio Frascoli :

Due to ) 0 6 /) strong momentum in the 0

Voice& Data:

What are 2 0 ) - ) 2 "#$9 : studies?

Claudio Frascoli :

. "#$ 2 ) & # ; 0 ) )


What are the key Innova-

Claudio Frascoli :

—Claudio Frascoli 2 "#$ < = )2 > 2> "#$ 0 9

. > "#$ 0 ) - ate is the availabili­ty of LTE terminals ) ) )) ) # mass adoption and will help India ' @

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