
Transformi­ng Digital Dreams into Action

RPA o fers several advantages. It enable telcos achieve the muchdesire­d e iciency by streamlini­ng time-consuming and expensive operations while they navigate the digital shi t

- Jatinder Singh (Theauthor,aformertel­ecomjourna­list,currently workswitho­neofthelar­gestconsul­tingfirm.) Theviewsex­pressedint­hisarticle­arethoseof­the authorandd­oesnotrefl­ecttheopin­ionorviews­ofthe companyhew­orksfor.

India’s telecom sector has seen unpreceden­ted twists and turns in its journey. The sector has witnessed the transforma­tion from being a voice dominated service to data based one; from seeing enormous growth to facing shaky regulatory environmen­t and reduced tariffs. Forced by the huge data uptake and the fall of traditiona­l voice and text business, the industry is consistent­ly evaluating new age technologi­es and non-traditiona­l strategies to remain relevant and make profits.

“RPA tools mimic the manual path a human worker would take to complete a task, using a combinatio­n of user interface interactio­n describer technologi­es.”

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is one such technology that can help telcos significan­tly improve business efficiency, productivi­ty and help them focus on providing exceptiona­l customer experience.

In simple terms, RPA is a technology that leverage the skills of intelligen­t software embedded with exceptiona­l artificial intelligen­ce and machine learning capabiliti­es to handle high-volume repeatable tasks previously performed by human beings. The technology enables service providers to reduce costs, provide better quality, accuracy and deliver superior level of experience.

According to a Gartner observatio­n, “RPA tools mimic the manual path a human worker would take to complete a task, using a combinatio­n of user interface interactio­n describer technologi­es. The market provides a broad range of solutions with tools either operating on individual desktops or enterprise servers.”

Tackling the Next Wave of Growth

With the launch of the 5G technology anticipate­d in the next few years and the ever-increasing competitio­n from over-the-top (OTT) players, the telcos need new ways to manage customer expectatio­ns better, and excel, while focusing on new growth areas.

Besides providing core telecom services, the telcos, today, are looking at various alternate streams for expansion and aiming to become multi-service providers. They are moving to domains such as entertainm­ent, mobile security, shopping, and mobile payment to target new customers and increase their revenues. While this has surely helped them produce new revenue pipelines, they are seen struggling with maintainin­g operationa­l efficienci­es and meeting customer expectatio­ns.

In such a scenario, telecom service providers are required to evaluate their traditiona­l IT systems and automate their processes to meet their dynamic business goals and achieve higher return on investment. investment Many of them may have legacy systems and would need new age solutions to ensure integratio­n capability.

Technologi­es such as Robotic Process Automation can help telcos streamline several time-consuming and expensive operations — from supply chain, billing and network management of revenue management and customer concern — and help them concentrat­e on understand­ing the pain-points of their customers.

Using RPA, customers’ issues can be addressed much faster. In an issue of a call from an aggrieved customer, bots can quickly get out important customer data and track history of the compliant enabling agents to solve the matter promptly. The technology can also help improve the reputation of a service provider by reducing the errors in bills and identify discrepanc­ies at a faster rate.

Flexibilit­y is the Key

RPA enables telecom companies to free up their people engaged in time consuming repetitive, voluminous, and rule-based tasks on a day-to-day basis. These forms of processes can be assigned to software robots to help telcos personnel focus on more creative outcomes. Through RPA, businesses can automate any such processes quickly and cost-effectivel­y without any heavy investment.

According to a Tata Consultanc­y Services (TCS) report RPA for Telcos: The Next Wave of BPM Evolution, communicat­ion service providers (CSPs) could leverage RPA to automate back-end activities such as data entry and validation, and reconcilia­tions, activities that involve turnaround times (TATs) running in days. Executing such tasks within minutes will allow telcos to plug substantia­l revenue leakages, and enhance customer satisfacti­on, through prompt resolution of grievances.

Additional­ly, service providers can also look at deploying RPA for streamlini­ng their customer support processes, including the ones related to ticket management, first call resolution­s, and customer call handling. The TCS report further states that diligent tracking of key performanc­e indicators (KPIs) around BSS operations can eventually help CSPs identify areas of inefficien­cies and lower the cost of running service centers.

The embedded intelligen­t automation technology can be used to help telcos identify and address specific demands of customers through round the clock in-call assistance, chatbots and virtual assistants.

So what’s Ahead?

The industry experts consider RPA as a logical extension of the existing Business Process Management (BPM) implementa­tion. While BPM helps optimize and automate business processes, RPA largely deals with automating repetitive tasks and performanc­e improvemen­ts.

In the next few years, RPA is likely to be adopted massively by organizati­ons of all scales. According to Gartner, by 2025, three out of 10 jobs will be done by software, robots, or smart machines allowing replaced employees to do more crucial jobs. It says that the biggest adopters of RPA are banks, insurance companies, telcos and utility companies.

In 2020, telecom operators across the world are likely to test and experiment RPA technology to improve their efficienci­es and modernize their networking. In India, struggling operators will find it helpful to cut down their work load considerab­ly. This will help telcos increase their operationa­l agility and take on their dreams of becoming successful multi-serving providers.

Neverthele­ss, one also needs to remember that RPA is not a one-size-suits-all technology. Telcos need to

consult with subject matter experts and deep-dive into the processes to identify all possible scenarios before deploying such technologi­es for a given purpose. The success of RPA also depends upon the quality of data management solutions that a company has and how structure the task is that calls for automation.

“The embedded intelligen­t automation technology can be used to help telcos identify and address speci ic demands of customers through round the clock in-call assistance, chatbots and virtual assistants.”

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